Eternal Mercy

Krysaos fully believed in Tycon's ability to turn a shite situation into something survivable. 

He believed in that man more than he believed in gods. 

"Well... I appreciate your high opinion of me," Tycon said, inclining his head.

Yes! That was it! Tycon was *definitely* holding out on him. 

"So? Tell me what'cha got LT!" 

"I... really don't know what you're expecting, Krysaos."

Krysaos threw his hands up in frustration, "F*ck, guy. Quit it with this suspenseful shite! I wanna live!" 

"An admirable goal," Tycon nodded-- "especially considering the circumstances."

Krysaos held out one hand, the other hand stroking his stubbled chin. 

"Let me guess-- the mcguffin you're hiding is in your spatial ring?"