Count-Off (Part Two)

Domhnall took a half-step forward but stopped himself before doing anything rash.

He was about to step in between Virgilia and Tethrin of Highblade-- which would have been incredibly rude.

...He didn't quite know why he had the urge to do so. 

--but it was concerning. 

Tethrin's glowing gaze passed over him, returning to the reporting harpy. 

"Fret not, Hatchling," he said. "The Holy Princess is accounted for and will be present for the battle."

After a brief pause, he added, "Ah, and the Commander has arrived, as well."

Virgilia revealed a full smile upon hearing the news. 

"I hear you, Lord Highblade."

Considering her form, her status, and... that suspicious smile, Domhnall wondered if Virgilia had a close relationship with the Commander.