Keep Quiet

⟬ Wyrmslayer Alliance Forward Command Tent, 45 minutes later. ⟭ 

"Flame TAKE that lizard BASTARD!!" roared the Tyrion representative, "How DARE they make demands when WE are the ones advantaged!!" 

Earnest Rosenhart, First Knight of City-State Forcen and the representative of the Eastern City-States, kept his bearing grim and serious as he nodded in agreement. 

What he *really* wanted to do was stomp and holler along with her, screaming 'hells YEAH, sister!' before gathering up all his knight-friends to partake in glorious battle... 

--but that kind of belligerence wasn't welcome in a professional setting. 

And, anyroad, the most important guy at the table was wearing a scowl like someone pissed in his breakfast oats. 

Earnest didn't have the best head for politics-- but he had pretty good senses. 

And his senses told him that the Commander, as young as he looked, was a guy he wanted to work *with* and not against.