
⟬ Thirteen and a half bells later... ⟭

Tycondrius looked up just as Virgilia began to descend. The raven-winged harpy perched atop a nearby crate before saluting with her right wing to her chest. 

"Virgilia Darkfeather, reporting, Master."

Tycon returned the salute, "Well met. Isn't it past your bedtime, dearest Virgilia?"

"The battle rages on," Virgilia cooed, "and so do the fires of my heart. I will not rest overmuch while Sol Invictus continues to fight."

The harpy matriarch leaned forward, nuzzling her head against Tycon's shoulder.

Tycon stifled the natural instinct to avoid her, allowing her to do as she pleased.

"Your heart rate is rather high," he commented idly. 

"I am invigorated by thy presence, Lord Commander~" Virgilia sang. 

"I have that effect on people," Tycon nodded. "Anything else?"

"I've also been munching on coffee beans," Virgilia smirked before failing to hide a yawn.