False Promise (Part One)

"wHat'cha thinkin' 'bout?"

Haelvia of Leopardon blinked several times. Looking out of her Divine Armor's open hatch, she saw Sorina down below, waving up at her. 


She glanced back at Gaheris' console. His autonomy was enabled. 

Oh, no. Just how long was she in a daze? 

Elle grabbed onto her retractable cable and hopped out, making a slow descent to ground level. 

Smooth, practiced and professional... something more valued by the new Guild Metal Wolf than the old one. 

"G-good morning, Lady Sorina," she said, saluting the mounted quartermaster. 

It was an odd feeling looking up at someone else, for once. 

Horses weren't common in Holy Country Tyrion. 

And up until recently, horses were definitely not in the guild's budget.

But Lady Sorina-- Sol Invictus really, didn't have that problem.

And of all the horses in their War Band, Sorina's was the most handsome of all.