
["Yo, Commander-- is that horse flying?"] asked the Witchling, Sylvie. 

["Since when could Horse fly?"] asked Kimura. 

Tycondrius had the same question. 

Horse's demonstration of logic-defying, never-before-seen abiltiies... was it truly thanks to the consumption of a certain narcotic in copious negligence? 

["Fools,"] scoffed Cass. ["That is the descendent of the Deity-Rank steed, Arion."]

["He could always fly,"] Pale explained simply.


[[ "I have brokered over ten thousand transactions." ]]

[[ "Unbeholden to banks..." ]]

[[ "--nor known to the various governments for tax purposes." ]]

What... was Sorina going on about?

Tycon's angelic vision had improved to the point he could see her with great clarity. 

She had, in hand, a small black... playing card? 

[[ "I have withstood great paperwork to create THIS bank card!!" ]]

["What's a bank card?"] Kimura asked.