Chapter 299: The Madness of the Past

Edie took her phone out of her purse and realized it had no power. She wanted to call Stuart and find out where he was. She was worried that she might not be able to find him. She looked in the waiting room and in the lobby and couldn't see him. Then she stepped outside of the hospital, and there he was sitting on a bench. People were walking by staring at Stuart. One girl took out her phone and took a picture of him.

Stuart had been sitting outside for four hours, waiting for Edie to return. She thought he looked so sad and lonely. Edie could not take her eyes off of him, and then she slowly walked toward him. The closer she got, the sadder she felt. Stuart was always on top of things, so perfectly in control. He had always been there for her when she needed him most.

Edie wrapped her arms around Stuart's neck and gently put her face against his. She softly said, "I'm back. I wasn't sure where you were. I wanted to call, but my phone was dead."