Chapter 328: You Can Always Trust Me

After a silence of several minutes, Stuart came towards Edie in an agitated manner. He was left feeling not only hurt and angry but also worried. "Right from the beginning, I never wanted you to become an actress. I was never prejudiced towards the job. It was always about the amount of time we were separated whenever you had a film. I also see how tired you get, and to me, it's ineffective.

"But Stuart.," Edie said abruptly.

"Let me finish," Stuart said in the cold, but a yet caring voice. "I agreed to let you do this because I saw how much it made you happy. Now that you've fainted and gone to the extremes of hiding it from me." Stuart hesitated. "I don't know if I can trust you anymore. I can't give you everything you want because I can't stand seeing you hurt yourself."

"Stuart, please understand! I didn't faint because of my work." Edie quickly walked over and sat beside Stuart. She put her hand in his, but Stuart still had that usual cold look in his eyes.