Chapter 355: Stay Away From Her

Tim looked at Tom and said, "Don't say anything until we get there." He nodded his head, and they drove the rest of the way in silence. After twenty minutes of driving, they arrived at an abandoned factory. The SUV pulled into the back of the building, and three men came out and went over and waited for Tim and Tom to get out. "Did you get her?" One of the men asked.

Tim pointed to the back seat and smiled. "Take a look for yourself." The men peeked in the window and started laughing. One of them said, "She's in for a treat, isn't she?"

Tom looked at them and motioned for them to move out of the way. "You can have your fun with her after I'm finished. Get her and take her inside and grab the stuff out of the trunk," he ordered.

The car door opened, and two men took Edie out and took her inside and sat her in a chair. One of the men couldn't keep his eyes off her and said, "This one is gorgeous. I can't wait until it's my turn."

"Yeah! Me too!" Another man replied.