Chapter 419: No More Arguing

"Cecil, Stuart's right! Junk food and sweets aren't good for you. You're going to start eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies. No more junk food and no more eating out any more than we can help," Edie explained.

Stuart nodded his head in agreement. "She's right! You need to start taking care of your body. Look at this!" he said as he flexed his muscles. "Don't you want to grow up to be big and strong like me?" he asked.

"No! I don't want to," Cecil said as he flattened his belly. "I'm already skinny, and the girls like how I look. If I lose any more weight, they won't like me anymore," he said with a slight disappointment in his voice.

Edie and Stuart laughed at him. "You're a handsome little fellow, and we're just looking out for your best interest, that's all," Edie said.