Chapter 458: I Am The Mediator

Cecil never dared to say these words before.

Then, Cecil suddenly screamed out exaggerated "Stuart, stop. Edie said..."

He stepped back and opening the door slowly, leaving Stuart standing outside confusingly.

Then, he gave him a gesture, asking him to come in.

Seeing Stuart at the door, Edie got mad again. She moved her eyes away.

If Stuart was still confused, he was indeed an idiot.

He then walked directly into the bedroom, placing the plate in front of her, "Eat them. You need to eat dinner."

Stuart sounded serious, with absolute dignity.

Edie didn't buy this.

"I already said I am not hungry. Take it away. Time for bed."

She walked towards the bed. But Stuart got more serious, " I won't leave until you eat."


Edie blushed with anger. She would be happy if he took this attitude to stop her, leaving with another guy. But why could he take this attitude towards her at this moment