Fourth Floor, Undead Dungeon

After eating a hot meal, everyone was a little reluctant to move on to the fourth floor. Sure they had found a way to combat the threat of the undead, the undead were just that terrifying.

"Just three more floors." Roy said. It would have sounded convincing if he wasn't shaking. "If we don't conquer this dungeon, the overflow will leak out and attack the sect." Eon said.

This seemed to convince them. They would have to fight these monsters one way or another. It was best not to have S rank monsters on the outside world. 

They packed up their small camp and headed to the staircase in the far corner. Ektor made sure to fully map out the third floor before they entered the staircase. 

As usual, after they reached a certain point on the staircase an overwhelming sensation of fear enveloped them. "Do you think that this is just a part of this dungeon? To be constantly unnerved with each floor?" Alani asked.