
After the talk, Mr. Mazir decided to end that topic at that and let them rest. They have been through enough and they needed rest. He led them to the rooms inside the warehouse which was cleaned and prepared for them. Each of them got a room to themselves and they decided to rest for the night.

Dreigh and his family went to his room to have a more private time with each other. They needed time to catch up and talk about some things. Everleigh did not let go of her brother even inside the room.

"I'm not going anywhere," he helplessly looked at his sister and patted her head softly.

"You're not sure about that. You might disappear again and will never come back. What will I do if that happens?" she pouted and gave her brother a glare.

Levhon let out a laugh at his children's antics specially his daughter. He knew how Everleigh was feeling and ever since Dreigh left she became worried and even grew more worried and paranoid when the news of Dreigh's betrayal reached them. She was angry but she cannot do anything about it. Every time she wanted to refute the people accusing her brother, she would always end up at the losing end.

"By the way father, how is the Crescent Moon doing?" he faced his father and asked. He missed working on their store and he wanted to know if they were doing fine even after all that is happening.

Levhon gave his son a bitter smile, "I've decided to close Crescent Moon, with all that has been happening the business has not been doing well," he managed to answer.

"And people had been coming just to cause ruckus all day, we've lost many valuable items because of those people and no one has been coming to buy our products," Everleigh was indignant and the displeasure in her voice can be felt. Dreigh frowned while Levhon gave his daughter a glare which she only ignored.

"Is it that bad?" he looked at his father with questioning eyes. Levhon was startled at the sudden expressive eyes looking at him. It was the first time he saw his son with this kind of look. Most of the time, he would just frown or directly ask him about things since most of the time he needed to control his emotions because of his affinity. He could not properly express his emotions even to them, the most expressive he had seen of his son was during the times that he protected them or defended them.

"Yes, it had reached the point where we needed to close the store for the meantime," he answered in a somber tone. The things they went through everyday was exhausting and he was tired of hearing people's complaints or mockery or accusation or any words that are coming from the mouths of those people who had visited their store just to cause trouble.

Dreigh could only sigh, he felt that sighing had become his habit this past months and he was aware that he was powerless to solve any of these problems. "I'm sorry."

The apology made Levhon shook his head, "you don't need to apologize. We did not wish for this thing to happen, we did not even know that something like this will suddenly happen."

"It is still partly my fault though, I was the one who pulled my friends into not returning to the military institute, if I did not do that then we will not be hunted like criminals," he clenched his fists in a rare act of anger and frustration.

Levhon watched his son and he understood what he was feeling. He stood up and sat beside Dreigh. He patted his son's shoulder to comfort him. They remained silent for a moment.

"I personally think that what you did is right, if you remained in the military institute, I can't even come to imagine what might happen to you inside that organization." As a father, he naturally worries for his son and there were times he could not help but think of the possible worst case scenario ever since he left Glasfale. "At least now, I can finally confirm that you are alright."

They continued to talk through the night and reminisced the past until they were all satisfied. Levhon painstakingly convinced Everleigh to leave and rest on the room next door, after finally convincing his daughter they both left and gave Dreigh his own time.

A sleepless night was experienced by Dreigh, plagued by questions and thoughts he was not able to fall asleep until the sun had already risen in the sky. He dressed himself and left his room to Mr. Mazir's study only to find the man and his father with serious expression and the heavy atmosphere inside the room was suffocating.

They did not talk and just gestured for him to sit down. One by one the others came and was also taken aback by the atmosphere, the only one who was not fazed at all was Arthur. They all sat down and waited for the elders to speak.

"Something bad happened last night," Mr. Mazir started and the worry on his voice was as clear as day. "A merchant family had died yesterday. They were brutally killed, even the children were not spared. According to the investigation, they died of unnatural death. They found wounds caused by an unknown object on the bodies and the physician who examined the bodies said that these wounds were not caused by a sword or a knife."

With only these words, they could already guess what will happen next. The merchant family is known for their blatant dislike of remnants and how vocal they were in expressing their negative opinions about the remnants. People around Westdenn knew them well and that they had several officials behind their back. It is one of the reason why they are daring enough to public announce their hatred towards the remnants. Now this family had died and was brutally murdered using neither a sword or nay weapon. What will the other people think? They will blame this incident to the remnants because they are the only ones who can kill without weapons. People will think that they had used their affinity to kill the family as revenge and fear will continue to grow inside the city.

"Just a while ago, I received news that some remnants were captured and are now being questioned, quite harshly, if I may add. The remnants had also expressed their opinion about this matter and the dispute is getting worst. I think that General Emrys will also be drawn in on this matter," Mr. Mazir informed them. The exchange of mocking words between both parties had now escalated and accusations were being thrown around and no one was willing to back down.

"Why so fast?" Rond asked in surprise. They were only talking about it last night and suddenly this thing happened the next morning of their stay in Westdenn.

"We are also confused about it. We don't fully believe that this is purely coincidence." Levhon was seething with anger, they were not yet close enough in figuring out about Dreigh and the other's matter then something like this was suddenly thrown into them.

"I suggest that you don't return to Crescent Moon for now Levhon, stay here with Everleigh. People around the city had become more aggressive and I'm afraid that they might do something to the families of the remnants," Mr. Mazir looked at Levhon to let him know that he was serious. He knew that his friend is a bit stubborn and that he might say no.

"We'll stay here. I won't compromise with my daughter's or my safety," he nodded and accepted his friend's offer. "But aren't you in danger too since many people in Westdenn know that you are a close friend to us?"

"Don't worry I have my own means and preparation. I'm not a citizen of this city and I have my own connections to other cities. If worst comes to worst, I could just leave this city." He waved his hand and assured them. He could always take them with him if this unrest becomes too difficult to handle.

"I want to see my family!" Endo exclaimed in anxiousness. He was worried that they might not be alright because of all that has been happening.

"I've already sent some of my men to contact your family, we only need to wait for their report," after he heard of what had happened last night, he immediately sent out several of his trusted aides to check on Endo's family. He had sent them early that morning and they are already on their way back.

Mr. Mazir let his servants serve the food, "let's eat first. I know that we are all angry and anxious but we need to replenish our bodies first. We will not be able to think of any contingency plans with empty stomachs." He wanted them to be ready in case an emergency arises. All these tangled mess can be mentally and physically draining and if they don't take care of their body's need of food, they can easily be beaten down.

Arthur was the first one who got food and looked at the others, "I don't know about you all but I'm going to need the energy to face this day." He shrugged his shoulders and focused on piling food on his plate. The remnants followed and also ate breakfast in silence.

Westdenn is a state of silent chaos that might erupt any time. Everywhere inside the city were tense and are on guard. The paranoia was extremely felt by both the remnants and common people. They all knew in their hearts that a storm was about to come.