
It was a room bare without any decorations, there was only a bed placed in the middle with black coverings. A window was placed just a few steps from the bed that gives the room light and made the room even whiter and colder, unstained with the madness of the world. Lying on the bed was a person, wriggling and sweating profusely as he was overcome with a nightmare he had wanted to forget. Not far from the foot of the bed was a chair placed facing the bed with a man was seated on it with his eyes focused on the dreaming person, he had been sitting there for a whole day, just silently watching and waiting.

"Are you going to stay here, Master? Dinner has been served in the dining room. We are only waiting for you," the man who materialized inside the room lowered his head as he whispered to Dreigh who did not move his eyes away from the person lying on the bed.