
"What's the name of this town?" he heard the man see which once again caught him by surprise and without warning he turned around with wide eyes to stare at the man.

"You don't know the name of this town?" he asked incredulously. Even though he could clearly tell that the man was new in the town, it was still unreasonable for him not to know what town he was in. Orion only raised an eyebrow after seeing Sion's bewildered look.

Seeing that the man only gave him a look, Sion took a deep breath, "This town is called Merran. It's one of the small towns located at the eastern sea border of the territory of Velmond." He slightly tilted his head to look behind him and saw the man nod his head. "By the way Sir, may I know your name? I don't want to keep calling you 'that man' in my mind."

"Orion Caelus," was his simple and direct answer. The man's name was uncommon and looking at him, his name fits him well. "Is there something wrong?"