Chapter 2: Dancer


School was horrible today. I had three tests and a project to present early this morning. I nearly threw my alarm out the window when it went off this morning. If it weren't for my daily dose of caffeine this morning, I would have probably thrown myself out the window. Did I mention that I hate school? Well, I especially hate this school, St. Bart's College.

My mom shipped me off to St. Bart's after her new husband, Carlson, paid me a little too much attention. Carlson Adams is my mom's fourth husband. They were married last year after knowing each other for three weeks. It was lust at first sight. I really didn't want to attend St. Bart's, but my mom gave me an ultimatum and told me I'd have to comply if I ever wanted to dance again. She used the one thing in the world I loved most against me, and I hate her for it. She told me that if I didn't attend St. Bart's, she wouldn't pay for my dance classes and studio time. You see, I'm a ballet dancer. Ballet is my life. Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamt of dancing with the New York City Ballet. I was nearly heartbroken when several of the dance schools I applied to rejected me. Unlike me, my friends were accepted to at least one dance school. Everyone was shocked by my rejections, but not as shocked as I was. Even my dance teacher, Mrs. Thredeu, was surprised. A part of me can't help but think that my mom had something to do with my rejections, but I haven't been able to prove it, and another part of me rejects the idea that she'd do something like that to me─ her own daughter.

My mother is a recording agent for a large record label and has a lot of power in the entertainment industry. She makes a lot of money every time she discovers the next new thing in music. Unfortunately, she's never been a good parent. The only reason I agreed to attend St. Bart's is because I knew she could make things tough for me if I ever wanted to dance. She knows a lot of people in the dance community and can destroy my dream of becoming a ballet dancer without a thought. Trust me, she'd do it. My dad is no better. He's a drug addict and a gambler. I haven't seen him since I was eight.

So here I am, a Sophomore at St. Bart's College who dreams of being a Prima Ballerina. Thankfully, St. Bart's is located in uptown Manhattan, and there's always something to do here. What really annoys me is that I have to wear a schoolgirl uniform. No, seriously. Every day at school, I have to wear a white button-down shirt, a plaid skirt and knee socks. I feel like a little schoolgirl instead of a nearly twenty-year-old woman. To be honest, I think my mom placed me in this school in hopes that I'd remain a virgin. Yeah, St. Bart's is an all-girls college, which means that unless I wonder out, all I see are girls throughout my day. The only males I see are the aging professors who look like they're well past their expiration dates.

My mom hates the fact that I am getting older. Not because she loves me, but because the older I get, the older she gets. I remember once, one of my stepdads commented on what a beautiful woman I was becoming. My mom was livid. She kicked him out a few days after that and made me wear more conservative clothing.

I like to console myself with the knowledge that I really haven't had an interest in anyone. I am far too busy to waste my time on men, and after seeing the procession that has come in and out of my mother's life, I'm okay being alone. I'm also consoled by the fact that the dance studio is several blocks from the school. I go to the studio all the time. Even when I was home, I'd spend more time at the dance studio than I did there. I figure at least it kept me away from my perverted stepfather. Carlson was making me very uncomfortable. I don't know why my mom marries these men. Most of them were seriously creepy. Unfortunately, my mom has a blind spot when it comes to men.

It's a beautiful night out. There's a soft breeze blowing through the trees and the sounds of New York traffic resounding in the background. My friends Cherry, Tamara and I are hanging out in front of the school, discussing plans for the evening. I roll my eyes in annoyance when two girls run ahead of us, giggling and squealing. Tamara notices my derision because she nudges Cherry and looks at me with a snigger. "Come on, Jade, loosen up a little. We're planning to meet some boys at the bar around the corner. You should go with us and have some drinks." I snicker in derision. It's just not my scene. My friends are more the partying type, while I'm the kind of girl that likes to stay home and read a good book.

Cherry and Tamara are my roommates. They are both your typical Barbie doll blondes. Tamara has a short bob, and Cherry has long hair, and they both have blue eyes. I'm the complete opposite of both women. Tamara is short and stacked, and Cherry is tall and thin. I, on the other hand, have olive skin, long dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. Definitely not Barbie material. I bite my lip, feigning interest in her invitation. There's no way that I'm going to the bar, but I need to make them think I'm considering it. Being "boring old' me" is hard. Taking a deep breath, I brush my bangs away from my eyes as I shift in my perch near the front stairs. I'm not very tall. I'm a little over five feet, and my body is fit due to all the dancing. The girls say I look like Victoria's Secret model Adriana Lima. I don't know anything about that.

Cherry and Tamara are always getting into one problem or another. Don't get me wrong, I like them, but sometimes they're a little too much. Cherry raises a questioning brow at my hesitance. "Well? What do you say?" I shake my head. "Nah, I'm too tired. I think I'll just hang around my room and veg out."

Maybe I'll go to the dance studio. Tamara and Cherry both Huff in disappointment. "Awe, come on, Jade, it'll be fun. You never go out. Do you even date?" I shrug my shoulders. "I go out. I just don't find the guys we meet interesting." Tamara rolls her eyes and snickers. "Who cares? It's just for fun. You need to put yourself out there and live a little, girl." I scowl at their comment. "I live!" I say adamantly. Cherry and Tamara both break out into laughter. "Come on, Jade," Cherry says. "You never go out unless you go to the dance studio, and I've never seen you with a guy. I mean, you need to be spontaneous sometimes and say screw it! It's Friday night. You should be getting drunk and trolling the bars with us instead of reading some stuffy old book."

I grimace at their accurate estimation. I know that I'm not the most exciting person, but it sucks that I'm so predictable. Unfortunately, Catholic colleges are not as strict as Catholic high schools. Even though we're expected to be in bed on weekdays, there are no curfews or restrictions on the weekends. I look at Tamara and Cherry with a pout. "I can be spontaneous if I want to be."

Cherry crosses her arms across her chest and chuckles in skepticism. "Okay, Ms. Spontaneous, prove it." I straighten my spine, but inside I'm apprehensive over what my friends might ask me to do.

Tamara rubs her hands together with an evil grin as she gazes around in thought. "Okay…how about… you step out into the street and kiss, on the mouth, the first guy to walk down the sidewalk."

My stomach churns with alarm, but I don't let my friends see it. Who knows what other requests they might come up with? I swallow hard and gaze around uneasily. Why did I open my big mouth and say I could be spontaneous when I'm the complete opposite? "What if the guy is married or ugly?" I ask in hopes that they'll let me back out of the dare.

Tamara rolls her eyes at my transparent attempt. "Okay, how about we step out with you, and when we find the right guy, we'll tell you."

I gulp loudly in disappointment, but I refuse to back down. I'm in too deep. There's no way that they'd let me live it down if I did. "Fine. Let me know when you find the right man."

The girls nod their heads enthusiastically as they stride to the front gates and lean their shoulders casually near the entrance. Both women's eyes shift around the sidewalk, watchful for a possible quarry.

It's almost scary how good they are at standing there while maintaining an aura of relaxation as they scope the area. I follow behind them hesitantly, keeping a sluggish pace. What have I gotten myself into? As time passes with no potential kiss-worthy men, I become less concerned.

Girls walk in and out of the school dressed in uniforms and others in everyday clothing. Cherry told me that some of the girls keep their uniforms on because they say guys like it. Something about corrupting a Catholic schoolgirl. That's just weird.

I'm about ready to call the whole thing off when Tamara and Cherry, both visibly stiffen. They give each other an excited look then turn back towards me.

Tamara's eyes are as wide as saucers, and Cherry's mouth is open in awe. Cherry gives me an imperceptible wave and whispers under her breath. "Jade, get your ass over here. We found your man."

I look around for a way to escape, but Cherry must anticipate my move because she grips my wrists tightly and pulls me towards her. "Okay, he's coming down the sidewalk. Just walk up to him, say hi, and lay one on him. Trust me, you'll thank me later…he's delicious."

I turn to see who they chose, but before I can, she pulls my face back to her and fluffs out my hair. I flinch back when she unbuttons the first three buttons of my blouse, and quickly cover my chest. "What the hell Tamara…" Before I can say more, she turns me around and pushes me into a rigid wall.

Wait…it's not a wall. I look up at the man whose arms I'm in. He's…breathtaking. There's no other way to describe him. The man is tall with gold hair and sinfully dark eyes. I've never seen a man this good-looking in my life. His brow furrows with consternation as he helps me up and huskily mutters. "Are you okay?"

I swallow hard, becoming aroused at the sound of his rich voice. I'm speechless. I don't know where I found the guts to do it, but suddenly I'm in his arms kissing him. He seems stunned for a moment, but then his arms wrap around my waist. His lips are firm and delicious. I'm completely entranced by the strength of his body and seductive lips. Standing on my toes, I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. Our tongues dance, and our breathing becomes ragged. I don't know how long the kiss lasts, but suddenly I'm no longer in his arms. The man pulls away, with a stunned expression. I'm just as stunned as he is. Feeling dazed, I cling tightly to his shoulders. Did I say I didn't want a man? Because if I did, I changed my mind.