Foundation establishment

'Devour!' Giving a mental command I open my mouth and take a deep breath. A loud suction sound was made and tons of true essence was pulled from the surroundings and into my mouth. Which then automatically activated my [Renegade Fenrir cultivation path] skill rapidly sending true essence to every corner of my body. Cultivation with true essence people need to refine their source of power, mages it is their mind which houses their soul and for warriors, it's their body. For chakra users, in the beginning, it's their heart, but after the first stage they have to refine the chakra itself, from then on the chakra will reproduce itself.

Once chakra completes the first stage it will automatically begin the second on its own, to others this stage is called 'Chakra corrosion'. From here on chakra will begin to spread throughout every inch of the body without direction. Only one man was ever publicly recorded to have ever made it past this stage and that was Theodore Matthews. All others have died slow and painful deaths. According to Theodore's biography, he only survived because of his light element affinity. It seems he focused heavily on the healing aspect of light elements in his early years. Which in turn lead to him researching many medical studies into the body. Which lead to his discovery of the way for warriors to fuse their souls.

'This man truly was a genius!' I couldn't help but praise him. After about 3 hours of refining my completion final reach.


Ding! Qi Condensation stage has been completed.

The foundation establishment stage has started!

Foundation establishment: Cycle the energy through their entire body, in so doing the energy washes the body clean and refines it so that it becomes more suited for cultivation.


From here on out I have to continue to refine and guide through my body. Usually, the people here have no way of carefully guiding chakra through the different channels of the body and let it run rampant, this is where cultivation methods come in handy. Since they all have set paths to run energy into they wouldn't end up accidentally killing themselves. In some of them, there are special advantages, but mine just channels it through every single channel of the body with no patterns. It wants to create an origin soul, the basic of the basic from the Renegade immortal novel. Now thanks to it fusing with the [Path of the Fenrir] I don't know what had changed.

Either way, as soon I got the prompt I began to down all ten of the super hyper energy potions. Once I finished it I did three things at once I activated Fenrir transformation instantly I'm in a world of pain. I activate the storing power of [Chain Breaker] at full force sucking in all of my chakra that had just begun the foundation establishment process. Finally, I activate [Big as a mountain, small as a house cat] shrinking ability at full force. All of this happens within 20 seconds. I'm not sure how small I am now but I'm definitely smaller than a house cat. The energy within my bones has been compressed forcefully but it would only take 5 seconds before I explode into bite-sized pieces. Without a second to spare I activate [Chain Breaker] this time letting all the energy out of my body. Over 100 thousand points of rush out of my body along with an impulse from the depths of my soul.

"AWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Unlike the cute bark, I gave Kestrel earlier this howl was backed by a lot of energy. While howling I force my cultivation method to run at full force. While the energy was leaving my body I also felt it leaving via the path of the cultivation method. Forcefully running through every inch. If someone from the Renegade immortal world saw me doing this they would definitely think I had a death wish. It was painful, yes but the good thing was that the energy running through my body wasn't even 1% of the energy rushing towards the shackles, the half-broken shackle wasn't even able to hold for even a second. With a loud crack, the shackles were torn apart and the force broke them down even further until it was nothing but particles. These particles followed the small portion that was running through my body and scattered everywhere.

Not even one second after the first shackles disappeared a brighter pair took its place. These ones clashed directly with the energy trying to force it back into my body, but the energy was having none of it. It suddenly started to bubble like my chakra and gather, turning into four crystal green wolf heads each lunging at a shackle with wide-open mouths. Instinctively I know that they are using the innate skill [Devour]! On impulse, I use it along with them targeting the four shackles and the green wolf heads. As they devour the shackles I devour the energy they take from the shackles. After a short period of time, the wolf heads begin to fade but not before letting out one last howl of unwillingness!

"Awwoooooo!!" Even I'm affected and let out a howl filled with sadness. The new shackles only dimmed a little before clamping onto my limbs, once again. While this is happening, my skill was running at full speed alongside my innate, drawing in all the true energy and the energy that was devoured. After running a course around the body it decided to do the bones too. Pulling everything chakra, the particles from the first chain and the devoured energy from the second pair, everything rushed at the bones at first it was only the outside but then it started to seep into the bone marrow and forceful refine them.

I was in a lot of pain but I couldn't even move. After the wolf heads disappeared I just flopped onto the ground only able to twitch pitifully, and it seems that while my skill was running to refine my bones and marrow, my [Big as a mountain, small as a house cat] was still running. Continuously using the energy to refine my muscles alongside my bones, so slowly but surely I was actually getting smaller. From Kestrels' point of view, I went from the size of a house cat to the size of a hamster within 3 hours. All of the energy in my bones had been compressed yet again but this only made it go deeper into the smallest and hardest to reach places in my body. Suddenly even though my body was already so small, it contracted violently going from hamster size to mouse size. A literal fountain of black goop shot out of my body, mixed with it was blood and fur. It was like a mini bomb had set off in the room, scattering the stuff everywhere. Kestrel was sitting behind the glass was shocked when she saw this happen. If not for the small twitching lump in the middle of the mess, she would have thought that I exploded. After a few more small twitches a green light flashed, all the goop within a foot's radius was blasted away revealing the small body beneath it.

Kestrel almost fell in love. Even though it was the size of a mouse Kestrel had very good eyes and could see every detail of its exquisite form. Its fur was crystal green, it was almost sparkling. It was a work of art and if Kestrel didn't know it was a human she definitely would have captured it and made it her soul partner, no wait he already was her soul partner! Kestrel was embarrassed for almost forgetting that they were soul partners. Since he never cared to talk about it she had quickly forgotten all about it and wanted to focus on just having someone to practice her medicine on.

Maybe she should go easier on him? Then she remembered the potion incident a couple of days ago and all her sympathy flew to a corner oh her mind 'hmph!'

Leaving the window, after a few minutes the door to the training room opened revealing Kestrel in her biohazard suit again with her hose. Instead of straight-up blasting Luke, she set the hose down and grimaced as she walked over the mess. Once she reached Luke she pulled a glass cage from her inventory, and carefully placed Luke inside of it. After which she walked back across the stuff while pulling out another device that looked like a radioactive meter. Turning it on, instantly it started beeping going completely haywire before short-circuiting. Kestrel paled in fright, what the hell was all this crap? Do all humans from the earth have this much stuff inside them?? Even if some of it came from the potions I made it shouldn't even amount to 2% of all this. It most certainly wouldn't have broken my machine. Putting away the device Kestrel took out a large jar bending over she filled it halfway up, before sealing it shut and covering it with a large number of disinfectant wipes.

After a few changes in wipes, she finally put it away and walked over to her hose and got to work. Tossing almighty knows how much soap and other cleansing products onto the pile of gunk, she began to hose it down. After an entire hour of spraying full force, she felt satisfied seeing as the floor was sparkling again. Taking off the biohazard suit, she stood half-naked in the middle of the room putting the suit into her inventory for later disposal, she picks up Lukes' cage. Seeing him as small as a mouse looking like a piece of carved jade Kestrel really wanted to keep him. Shaking the thoughts from her head she let out a tired sigh. "What am I gonna do with you?"

Carrying the cage with her to the bathroom, where she completely undressed and slid into the bath soaking in the hot water for a moment she removes Luke from the cage, a small comb, a small wooden bowl and a shampoo bottle from her inventory. Filling the bowl with water and mixing it with a bit of shampoo, she dips the comb into the mixture and stirs it a little. Carefully submerging Luke's body into the water she begins to run the comb through his fur softly and with a warm smile on her face humming to herself.

After the bath she dried him properly and took out a new cage, this one was obviously made of some kinda crystal. After adding some padding she places Luke inside of it, thinking back to when he said that he would be in a weakened state depending on how much energy he used. Seeing that he was sleeping after all this time meant that this was the weakened state and she didn't know how long he would sleep for. So she decided to do her own thing. Going through the hallway and into one of the doors, she stepped into her true lab. This lab was about 5 times larger than the training room and was filled with all kinds of stuff. There were all kinds of cages in the room and most of them were filled with small cute animals. If Luke was awake to see this he would have been shocked speechless.

Setting Luke onto a counter Kestrel put on a pair of heavy-duty gloves and a facemask. Taking the jar from her inventory, she stared at it with a serious look. Like she was gonna face a great enemy. Originally even though the animals in the cages were chattering in low voice as soon as the jar appeared they completely shut up. Fear was evident in their eyes, if Kestrel though it was a great enemy, they felt as if it was a threat to their very existence. Sealing it away in a metal box all the animals in the room heaved a sigh of relief. Feeling that she had a research topic for awhile she grabbed Luke and left the lab.