WebNovelCrow Day18.18%

Floor 29

Tessa made her way down the stairs. The yelling grew more eligible till she was able to make out the argument between the staff on the 29th floor.

"This is just a prank!" the man shouted at the women.

"No it's not. Haven't you seen the news? In the town next over in a thirty floor building, everyone was found dead. They don't know how and they don't know why! Get it through your head, we are going to die rather we go outside or not! So i don't care, go outside, don't go outside. I'm taking my chances inside!" The woman closed her argument and the man retort his final statement.

"I'll check it out by putting my arm out the window," he stated as he walked over towards the windows. Tessa peeked around the doorway of the room and watched. He opened one of them. "He said we were to be killed if we went outside, so let's see if that is true," he started putting his arm out the window. "See nothing is happening. It is just a pr ..."

Suddenly the man's arm was gone. Blood spilled out from the open socket where his arm was, where it should of been. None of them saw what took the arm, but it was clear to them now that it wasn't a prank. The man fell backwards in shock and started screaming at the top of his lungs, the women too, she screamed her head off at the sight of the open, bleeding wound.

The man's screams were suddenly cut off as he wasn't on the floor anymore. He was gone. No. He was dragged out of the window so fast there wasn't even a trail of blood. The room smelled of iron from all the blood in the room and soon the woman was screaming more but instead of being frozen in fear she was now running. Running to the door of the stairs where Tessa was. Tessa moved away from the door as the screaming woman rushed by and down the stairs, not even noticing her in her panic rush to out run the smell of death.

Of course, Tessa was scared too, but she promised no more tears. She wouldn't cry, she wouldn't scream, she would face what is in front of her. She walked into the room. She walked over to look at the floor where the pool of blood laid. She looked at the window that was sprayed with the man's blood. She noticed something stuck in the open window. It was dark. Careful that her fingers didn't go past the window and outside, she reached for the black object. They touch something that would've been soft if they weren't slicked with blood.

Pulling back the object she found it to be a dark colored feather. The feather of a crow to be specific. It was covered in blood from the man. It must of been what took him. What killed him. If she had any hope of surviving she had to follow the rules and figure out what exactly was going on.

Looking around the room, she found a coffee cup with a lid on it in the trash can. Taking off the lid she dumped the rest of the coffee in the trash can and placed the feather inside. She didn't want the bloody feather just in her pocket, so she had to put it in something to carry around.

Now what should she do? Look for others? Ask to see if anyone knows any other information about their situation? She decided to start by looking for other people and try her best to figure out what was happening. She walked back towards the stairs, and walked down in the direction that the screaming women went. Soon she could hear frantic words being cried from a woman's voice. As she got closer she could hear that it was the women who saw the man die telling her story to others.

Tessa walked into the room and all eyes but the women's turned to her. Tessa put on a frightened face and looked at the women.

"What she is saying is true," she sniffled, "I saw him die too."

They all looked shockingly at her. The women, hearing her voice turned to her, her eyes shockingly wide, said, "So I'm not going crazy then… I don't need to prove that the monster is real?"

What monser? Tessa didn't see any monster. Unless the women saw what left the feather.

"She's crazy, there is no monster killing anyone! The girl didn't prove anything that Mary said was true she just said she saw

Jerry die!" A man in the group shouted at her.

"Well at least we know we definitely can't go outside," another man said, this one more calm than the other one. Turning his attention to Tessa, he asked, "But, did you see this monster as well?"

Tessa could say that she did and would make it so Mary didn't seem crazy or she could tell the truth and say she didn't. If she tells the truth the women might go insane. She doesn't want to lie, and plus, it seems like fun to watch this woman go insane.

"No, I did not," she responded, confused. "All I saw was the man sticking his arm out the window then it suddenly being gone. Afterwards he was screaming in pain in front of me then he was gone."

Tessa watched in pleasure as the women's eyes lost all hope. Her mouth curled up in a shaky smile. Her hand went into her bag as her eyes searched Tessa's confused face.

"You-you saw it to, right? I-It took him. I saw it take him!" the woman stuttered.

The women watched tessa carefully as she still looked confused as she denied her protests. Tessa watched as she began to shake and her eyes started darting all over her face. Tessa allowed herself to smirk, just a little bit, and she watched in pleasure as Mary went fully over the edge. She couldn't help it. It made her feel good. Watching the progress of her breaking like she did.

Mary suddenly ripped her hand out of her purse and ran full speed at the guy who shouted at Tessa. Tessa heard a grunt, and something wetpilling on the floor. It sounded like a barrel spilled open on 6 to the floor. Mary had a knife. Oh it just got so much better to Tessa.

She watched as Mary went around killing the people one by one. She listened to the sounds. The blood gushing to the floor. The footsteps of the other three running away. The screams of terror. And the high pitched laughter of ary as she killed. Tessa was soon the last one left, but Tessa already had plans. She moved move towards the window and opened it just far enough that her hand wouldn't go outside.

Mary ran for her. Her eyes stared dead at her, but there was no emotion in them. They were empty. Her smile on the other head made it hard to watch her. Her laughed sound forced and you could hear the breathlessness in it. When Mary got close enough and she raised her knife to stab Tessa with it, Tessa moved.

She moved behind Mary and pushed. Mary, losing her balance, put her hands up and tried to balance herself on the open window, but her hand just reached for air. Her hand swinged wildly looking for something to get a hold of, then it was gone. Her laughter left with her arm. Now the room was filled with screams. She dropped the knife in her other hand and stubbled past Tessa away from the window.

Then she was gone. The screaming disappeared. Mary was dead. Just like the man was. Now Tessa had a knife. And knowledge of a humanoid crow, the owner of the bloody feather