WebNovelCrow Day36.36%

Floor 27

Zoul walked down the stairs in front of her as if he was protecting her from any oncoming damagers, but he was the injured one and he could see the little strain he had in his body as he shifted his body. They walked down to the next floor and opened the door that lead to the main hallway of the 27th floor. Unlike the other floors, this one was dead quiet. They walked in silence down the hallways and checked each room.

Soon an aroma filled the air. It smelled like the kitchen in Tessa's home when her mom cooked chicken on monday nights. But this smell was a little different and she didn't realize it till they reached the kitchen. It was weaker than chicken and it smelled just wrong to her. They walked into the dining room. At the sound of them opening the door to the dining room, the kitchen door swung open and a man wearing a white chief's hat walked out.

"Hello there," the man greeted. "Would you like something to eat? I am making my specialty that I call Robert Stew and there's plenty to go around."

To be honest, Tessa was quite hungry. Should figure nothing could go wrong with some roberts Stew. It was probably named after the chief, he said that was his specialty after all. So Tesssa told Robert that she would like to have some, and Zoul followed suit and asked for some as well. Robert told them to have a seat and he'd bring them out some bowls of Robert Stew in a minute.

Tesa and Zoul sat at the table closest to the kitchen door. It was a table for two and it had a black table cloth with white follows in a vase on the table. Zoul and Tessa sat facing each other across the table. Soon Tessa watched the door to the kitchen swing open as Robert came out carrying two bowls on a tray with steam steadily rising out of it.

Robert placed the bowls down in front of them the steam rose up into Tessa's face as she peered into the bowl. Robert told them to enjoy their food and turned to walk back into the kitchen. Zoul cocked his head to the side as if listening to a whisper from someone nearby as the chief passed a puzzled look on his face as he turned to watch the kitchen door swing shut behind the chief.

Tessa decided she was just imagining things and looked down at her hands. They were covered in blood for the past hours activities. It's only been a couple of hours, Tessa thought. It felt like days. She decided she needed to wash them and looked around the dinning room for a bathroom and didn't see one. She stood up and walked to the kitchen door. Robert should know where the bathroom was.

She pushed the door towards the kitchen open and servade the room looking for the chief. Se didn't see him so she decided to look around for him. Looking around she spotted two door at the far end of the kitchen. One was cracked open revealing a dark room inside. The other was to its left and was closed tight. She approached the doors and as she heard she felt a cold draft coming out of the crack in the door.

It must be the freezer. She always wondered what a freezer in a dining area like this looked like. Curiosity got the best of her and she approached the door on the right. As she grabbed the handle of the door to pull it open more, she felt the cold from the freezer and wasn't prepared for it. She jumped back, but there was enough light to see inside the dark freezer.

Standing just outside the door, she shivered in the cold and hugged herself with her arms to keep warm. Looking inside she could see lumps. Once her eyes adjusted to the dark she could see much better. The lumps started to take more shape as she saw more details. She made out an arm and a leg. She made out the shape of a head. The chief's name wasn't Robert, one of his victims name was Robert. She covered her mouth the keep out her screams as she heard the door to the left of her start to open.