WebNovelCrow Day63.64%

Floor 26 pt. 2

She must of blacked at because when she came back she was laying on the bathroom floor. Her body was shaky and cold. Everywhere ached. Shay was gone and to replace her was Zoul. He was leaning over her looking at her stomach.

She realized his hands where on her and she shouted in surprise, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

Zoul flinched in response and took his hands off her, his face looked terrified. Rather he was terrified of her or the wound, she didn't know.

"I'm just trying to help," Zoul said. "I stopped the bleeding, but it still looks pretty bad. Can you move?"

Zoul held his hand down to her. She gripped his hands and used it as a brace to help pull herself up.

She winced at the pain that shot through her entire body. She was able to stand, and slowly she began to move around. The move she moved the more pain she was in, but the more pain she was in the faster she got used to it.

Soon, after walking around a lot, she was able to move almost normally. Occasionally, there was a shock of pain that traveled up her spin making her stubble a bit, but she always caught herself and moved afterwards.

They decided to leave Tessa in the bathroom while Zoul went to check the area a bit more. So far there's only been a couple of people still alive on each floor, so they shouldn't have any problems besides Shay.

Tessa walked around the bathroom to regain some of her strength. Suddenly she heard footsteps walking down the hall. Zoul must be back already. Good, he didn't run into any trouble.

The footsteps stopped right in front of the door. After a couple of seconds there was three knocks on the door.

When there wasn't an answer, a small voice asked, "Shay? It's Maddie."

There was another girl. Tessa grabbed her knife as she watched the door knob. The door creaked open, and Tessa brought her knife out.

A small head of a little girl appeared in the creak of the door. Tessa watch as the girl's-Maddie's eyes grew in shock then grew in terror when she saw the bloodied knife.

The girl threw the door open and took off running down the hall. After a split second, Tessa followed her, chasing her down the hallway. Tessa gained on her since her legs were longer and she was faster than the little girl in front of her.

Tessa grabbed for the girls arm, missed the first time, but the second time she succeeded. She yanked the girl back, and covered her mouth with her arm to muffle her scream.

She didn't want Zoul or Shay hearing it. She told the girl to be quiet and shoved her into the nearest room.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Tessa promised to Maddie. Maddie staid far away, distrust in her eyes as she watch Tessa's every move.

"Just kill me already," Maddie whimpered.

"I'm not going to kill you. I don't want to kill anyone."

"Then why is there blood on your knife?"

"Someone tried to kill me," Tessa said pointing at the bruises on her face. "I only kill when I'm protecting myself or others."

"You killed Shay." It wasn't a question. Maddie fully believed she killed Shay.

"No I did not-"

"Then where is she?" Maddie demanded.

"I don't know. What I do know is that I tried to help her and she ended up stabbing me." Tessa explained, pulling up her shirt to show the bandages wrapped around her side. Maddie gasped at the sight.

"You don't have to answer, but Maddie right? How old are you?"

"I just turn thirteen," Maddie proudly

"Maddie, I'm not going to hurt you, so please, don't do anything that could hurt me or others."

"Why would I do that? Shay will protect me. I know she will."

"I don't know where Shay is, but all I know is that she ran. I don't know where to though."

Just then Tessa heard screaming of a little girl. She heard Zoul shouting. Then running footsteps that sounded like a chase down the hallway.

Both Tessa and Maddie ran towards the door. Tessa threw the door open as soon as Shay flew by followed by Zoul.

At the sight of them she stopped in her tracks, and so did Zoul. Everyone gathered in the room.

They talked about how they survived and what they been through. They made an agreement not to hurt each other anymore and instead defend each other. They made a pact to work together and figure out this madness and how to stop it.