WebNovelCrow Day90.91%

Floor 23

They have reached the 23rd floor. Zoul led the way out of the staircase and into the hallway. As soon as they heard the click of the door behind them, the lights went off, almost like they were timed.

Using the flashlights on their phone, they light up the hallway. Four beams of light shone in the hallway. They planned that each would keep their lights in a certain position. Maddie got left, Shay got right, Zoul got front, and Tessa got the back. Which mean Tessa would be walking backwards.

They decided to go left this time. Walking down the hallways, with Tessa walking backwards, using Zoul's hand to guide her.


Tessa thought she saw something run past from one door to the next. But she could of been seeing things. She didn't tell the others.

There. There it was again.

It was a face. A pale one. Of a women. She seemed to be in a shredded close. But as soon as Tessa blinked it was gone. She looked around to see if anyone seemed to see anything, none of them acted like they did.

She must be seeing things.


Zoul led the way down the hallway. Using his flashlight on his phone he shone it on the path in front of him, lighting up the hallway to a certain distance. He notice all the doors were open.


Was there someone standing in the hallway just now? Was his eyes just playing tricks on him? They probably were. It was so dark, their lights barely broke into the deep darkness that surrounded them.

Yes, his eyes were just playing tricks on him. There was nothing there. There was nothing. He wasn't scared. He wasn't scared of things that weren't there. How could he?


Shay walked, facing the right of the hallway. She scanned in the open rooms. She carefully viewed everything that her light reached.

She thought she saw a pale, bare foot once, but when she blinked it wasn't there anymore. She most of been seeing things. Little did she know that everyone was apparently "just seeing things".

In another room she could of sworn she saw the red fabric of a loose shit fly by at the edge of her light. Again, she believed she was just seeing things.

Then she saw her. She saw the pale skin watching her. A huge smile was plastered on her face. It made Shay uncomfortably. When she blinked the smiling women was gone. In place of her was dead and darkness.

Shay still felt the women's eyes on her as she walked.


Maddie faced the left side of the hallway. Everything she looked into a new room, panic squeezed her heart and she dreaded looking into in fear of what she might find.

She especially felt terrified when she thought she saw a face. She barely made it out in the darkness just out of reach from her light. She preferred she didn't see it.

Now she felt on edge, more so than she already was. Every time she looked into a room she expected to see a face right in front of her.

She screamed.

There it was.

Right in front of her.

The pale face of a women.

She blinked.

It was gone.

Everyone turned to her and surrounded her, and peered into the room Maddie stood frozen in front of. Her hands shaking as she held her phone in front of her, bathing the room in light. The women was gone.

"The-there was someone there," Maddie mumbled.

"I've thought I'd seen a women around. Was it a women Maddie?" Shay asked.


"I've seen her too. She's been following us. I thought I was just seeing things and that I was on edge and making myself see a ghost that wasn't there," Tessa announced.

"Same," Zoul agreed.

"She doesn't seem much of a threat, but she's very creepy. Do you all agree just to head to the next floor and leave her alone?" Tessa asked.

Everyone stated their agreements, so they headed back in their positions. They still saw her and every time someone saw her they would saw, "spotted" letting the others know where she was.

The women never bothered them, but she followed them likes lonely ghost. Soon they reached the stairs and when the door closed the lights came on.