
Julia entered the house after doing some groceries and naturally she didn't think anything had changed while she was out.

Never would she have thought that in the meantime her daughter would slowly be turned into Jake's woman and that same danger was lurking for her as well.

So Julia unknowingly said hi to Jake and went into the kitchen. As it is Jake's birthday today she decided to make something he liked to eat. She also got some cake to eat in the evening.

Jake didn't want to hold a birthday party and naturally, Julia knew the fact that Jake didn't have any friends at school. He also didn't have any family left apart from her and her daughter so she decided that at least she would be there for him.

Even though Jake was mostly quiet and didn't do a lot he always acted nice to her and treated her and Kayla like his mother and sister respectively, even though he knew they weren't blood-related.

As he was always quiet and didn't do much she never would have thought the things he would be capable of doing shortly. Naturally, she wouldn't see it coming that her body would be degraded by someone who was less than half her age.

Julia knew she was still very beautiful and quite some men had made still wanted to pursue her, but after her husband died she had no intention of remarrying and only wanted to be with her family. So she rejected every single man that tried to make advances on her. Slowly every knew that chasing this very sexy mature woman was impossible and the soon gave up.

Jake too didn't think he would ever be able to make Julia fall for him, especially as she regarded him as her son, but now with his newfound powers, he could change that easily and make her want him bad.

Time went on and soon it was evening and Julia had dinner ready. She called Jake and Kayla to the table.

Jake immediately went and liked the fact Julia cared for him to make his favorite meal. A bit later Kayla also arrived, her face a bit flushed red.

She had been thinking about it all this time. Why in the world would Jake suddenly make her so horny? She concluded that it was some random coincidence and that her body just wanted to feel good and Jake being there was purely random.

Thinking this was it she decided to forget about it as soon as possible and to make sure Jake or anyone else for that matter would never find out about it.

Yet all this thinking was for naught when she arrived at the dinner table. Upon seeing Jake, her pussy which had already been satisfied started to itch once more.

It wasn't a lot at this moment, but just this small itch in her pussy threw her entire mind into chaos once more. Was it truly Jake that made her pussy itch, or was there another reason behind it.

As time passed and the three of them ate dinner, the itch in Kayla's pussy increased and looking at Jake only increased the effect. After some time even her breasts got hot once more as her nipples slowly started to stand up once more.

Jake was aware of the fact Kayla was starting to get in heat once more. He could also conclude the fact that because earlier in the day she had already masturbated to him and her pussy had already been satisfied once, the effects were not as potent later in the day.

Still, he was very glad that there was still some reaction in her body, signaling that even if she masturbates once it doesn't matter. As long as he is in her vicinity Kayla's body will continue to go in heat.

Jake was a bit glad the effect wasn't as potent the second time around. Albeit he liked the fact that Kayla went into heat quickly the first time, it was also fun seeing her body slowly but surely go in heat.

Kayla was still eating, but every minute her body got hotter and hotter, while her face slowly started to blush red once more.

"Kayla, is something the matter? You're not eating a lot and your face is red." The oblivious Julia asked her daughter, but how could she know that currently, Kayla's body was going in heat.

"N-no I'm fine." Kayla tried to act normally for the next few minutes as she didn't want her mother to find out what was currently going on in her body. What would be even worse than that though is if Jake would find out?

Kayla had to make sure that no matter what that stupid brother of her's would even think that she was starting to get attracted to him. If he found out it would be her end, so she tried to act as normal as possible, while her pussy and breasts started to react more and more.

By the time all three were done eating dinner, Kayla raced away saying she had to do something. Leaving behind a surprised Julia and a satisfied Jake, knowing that twice on the same day Kayla would get off, thinking about him.

"Say Jake you know what's going on with Kayla, she acted very weirdly just now," Julia asked him with a serious gaze.

Jake had to keep in his laughing as he knew the reason why Kayla was acting this way, as he planted it in her mind. But putting on an unknowing expression he said: "No clue, perhaps she's just not feeling too well. If there's something seriously going on she'll tell us."

"Hmm, yea you're probably right. Well, then you go do what you, I'll clean up as it's your birthday today."


Jake went to his room thinking about what he would do with Julia. His mental energy had already recovered, so he could do it tonight. Still thinking off Kayla's extremely sexy naked body Jake had to keep it in the entire day.

That's why he wanted to not wait any longer and finally have sex. And if Julia would be the one he would lose his virginity to, he had no problem with that, as a matter of fact, he was quite glad she would be the one.

Julia had taken him in with all her love when his parents had passed away and never once in her life had she treated him less than a son. Coupled with her sexy mature body and extremely pretty face, Jake found her the best person to lose his virginity to.

He wanted to lose himself in that heavenly body of hers's and tonight he would make sure to do just that. The only thing now was what sort of suggestions he would place in her body, that would make it that she wanted the same thing.

He didn't want to fuck her in the entranced state. That would take away a lot of pleasure. No, he wanted Julia to love it as well as their bodies would intertwine with one another.

So Jake continued to think of ways to make sure Julia would be in his bed willingly tonight. Until finally he thought of something that would work.

He kept thinking about it and soon it was evening and Julia had called him to eat some cake and watch some television.

Jake went down and saw Kayla there as well. Just like the last time she had furiously masturbated with only Jake in her mind, so this time when she saw him, she took some cake and said she was sleepy and would go to bed.

At the moment she was just too embarrassed to see Jake and she even thought that if she would see him too long once more, then her pussy would once again flare-up. So now not even giving him the chance to say something, she darted by him and went upstairs to her room.

"Well, that was a bit weird," Jake said sitting down on the couch next to Julia.

"Haha, yes Kayla did seem a bit flustered, but ah well she'll hopefully feel better tomorrow." Julia still oblivious what was truly happening to her daughter, laughed her behavior off and handed Jake some cake.

"So what do you want to watch?"

"I don't really care."

Then Julia put on some television, all while Jake was getting a bit nervous. It was already nice that Kayla wouldn't be here now and if already would go according to the plan, soon he would be knees deep inside Julia. Yet he still needed to make sure everything would go well.

Jake gathered his courage and said: "Julia?"

Julia looked at him and at the same time felt a spiking pain in her head and before she could even reply her eyes went lifeless.