To the gym

The next day Jake woke, feeling the incredible bodies of Kayla and Julia pressed against him, both resting their heads on his chest. His hands hadn't left the comfortable feeling of their asses all night long.

He smiled widely looking at the cute sleeping faces of both Julia and Kayla. He had really done it. These two now served him and would do so for a long time to come. And the best parts even though he had hypnotized them, he had never made their actual personality change with it.

Just making these two slaves to lust they gradually turned into a slut wanting Jake's dick at all cost. But even though he had two beautiful slaves to serve him all day long it wasn't enough for Jake.

He wanted more. Soon school would start and naturally, at it, he would find many beautiful schoolgirls. But that wasn't all.

Kayla had already gone to the school for a year and she had told him that not only beautiful students were present. Teachers with an amazing body and beautiful face were there as well.

Jake imagining turning a woman who's life goal was to teach and guide youngsters and turn her into an obedient cum dump, what would be better than that. Having a very immoral relationship between teacher and student. Jake licked his lips at the sight of a beautiful teacher moaning as his dick ravaged her pussy.

Just from the thought of it, his dick started to get erect once more. Even though it was used without rest these past few days it didn't show any sign of weakness at all.

Usually, he had to take care of his morning wood by himself, but that wasn't the case anymore, as he could already see two beauties eyeing his erect dick with greedy eyes.

Kayla and Julia had woken up and when they saw Jake's erect dick their pussies, which had been dominated the day before started to get soaked once more.

Kayla was the one that left his side and took his dick inside her mouth, while Julia pressed her juicy lips on top of Jake's for a smoochy morning kiss.

Jake enjoyed both women's lips on his dick and mouth as he greedily sucked on Julia's lips. Meanwhile, Kayla was fiercely slamming the dick deeper down her mouth.

She even succeeded to get it in her throat for a bit, but she still wasn't very accustomed to it, so she couldn't bear it for long. Still, there was a lot of progression in her fellatio technique and Jake would make sure he would train her into a fine deep-throater.

It didn't take long after for Jake to cum as he released everything inside her mouth which Kayla happily swallowed.

After finishing his orgasm into his mouth without saying anything Kayla with a full mouth of semen went to her mother and poured some into her mouth as well. Julia naturally happily accepted it.

Seeing the changes in the two after just one day of threesomes Jake smiled. Yesterday both were extremely embarrassed about the fact that they had to kiss.

Yet now Kayla and Julia were happily coiling their tongues around each other as semen was exchanged between their mouths.

After they finished drinking the semen, the three of them got out of bed and Jake went on a run before returning and enjoying a threesome in the shower.

After doing them both in the shower they used their bodies to clean Jake's and after they finished Julia went to prepare breakfast, which didn't take long.

Both now wore normal clothes as they would leave for the mall immediately after breakfast. They would go and shop the whole day, for all kinds of things. Lewd and sexy underwear, lewd swimsuits, hot normal clothes, and much more lewd stuff.

Luckily money was of no concern to them and they could buy as many clothes as they wanted without making much of a dent in the bank account. And Jake knew too that with his powers, making money was as easy as sleeping in the night.

There was only one condition for the two women. The clothes had to be as lewd as possible. If they would wear underwear not suiting Jake's tastes there would be a punishment, so naturally, both women bought the lewdest stuff as possible.

While the women went to the mall Jake had made other plans. Today was the day he would go to a nearby gym which would help him train more muscles on his body.

He had made an appointment with a personal trainer who would help him train his body as efficiently as possible.

The gym wasn't far away. About a ten-minute walk. After Julia and Kayla left for the mall, Jake made his way to the gym. He didn't really know what to expect as this was the first time he had ever been to one.

Arriving before a fairly big building he walked inside. Seeing a reception he walked there and spoke to someone. Telling them he had an appointment. After checking it Jake was to go change himself in sportswear after which someone would pick him up and start the first session.

Jake did as asked and not long after he waited in the area someone would pick him up, wearing sportswear.

A few minutes later Jake gulped as he saw an incredible beauty. A pretty face, light brown hair, tied up into a ponytail. Followed by a nice chest looking about a C-cup. They were smaller than Kayla's but looked good nonetheless. Her waist was nice and tight, some small muscles visible on them as she wore only a sports bra and tight sports pants, accentuating her amazingly tight ass.

Jake gulped seeing this woman and he needed to control himself before his dick started to act up. Jake could see some slight muscles on the girl's body, but that didn't make her less beautiful. Jake thought it was the opposite in fact as he found it made her even more sensual.

Still, Jake wasn't here for capturing his third slave. So even though he kept her in mind and definitely wanted to destroy that pussy of hers which surely had to be extremely tight he waited for his personal trainer to come to pick him up.

Then surely after chatting with someone, the beauty walked in Jake's direction which made him puzzled. No one else was there so why would she come over toward Jake?

While he was puzzling she appeared before him and he could see he definitely saw correctly as this woman was really pretty.

"Are you Jake?" She asked with a sweet voice.

Jake was a bit perplexed not thinking she would talk to him, but soon he collected himself.

"Y-yes I am."

She smiled brightly as she extended her arm to shake his hand.

"Great, I'm Diana, I'll be your personal trainer from now on."

Jake's mouth almost fell wide open as he shook her hand.

"Ah nice to meet you, I'm Jake, a pleasure to be working with you."

He never expected this beauty would be the one he was waiting for and who would be the one that would help him in training his physical abilities.

While Jake had a sweet smile on his face, acting all pure in front of Diana, inside his mind he was smiling evilly.

This beauty had just thrown herself at him, so who was he to reject her. Ogling her amazing body he made plans to have her surrender under his dick and transform her into an obedient slave just like he had down with Julia and Kayla.

After chatting for a small bit getting to know each other Diana said: "Well then let's go and see your body's capabilities."

"Okay," Jake said as he followed behind Diana into the room where all kinds of sports devices were placed.

Things like a thread mill, home trainer, bench press and many more. Diana then made him do a light warm-up before they started to measure his various' muscle's strength. His arms, legs, back, and abs.

Jake had to use them all to the best of his abilities so Diana could get an accurate vision of how strong he was and on what to improve the most.

This continued for quite a bit as Jake's body was put to the test again and again. Jake started to think Diana liked looking at him struggling and vowed to make sure to return that favor when she was moaning beneath his body.

After like an hour passed Diana said they were done and Jake could barely move anymore. Muscles all over his body ached like crazy.

"You really seem to enjoy making me suffer miss Diana."

Diana giggled as she said: "you don't have to be so courteous. Diana is fine. Let's go plan the dates where you'll train your body."

Jake joked: "what made you think I want to return to a demoness as yourself."

Diana giggled as she said: "it's your body that's so weak. In a fight, a girl like me can easily wipe the floor with you."

Jake believed her fully, but still, he knew that his body was even weaker than a few weeks before. So with the progression, he was making he was sure that in time he would be far stronger.

"Hmpf give me a month and I can defeat you easily," Jake said

"Oh, you want to bet on that?"

Jake enjoyed that Diana already acted so familiar with him and the want of conquering her was already very deep.

"Sure, but if I win, you go on a date with me."

"Eeh?" Diana flushed a bit red hearing his words.

"Sorry kid, but I don't date any of my clients. And you're like 9 years younger than me."

Jake didn't care for her words as he put on a smug smile and said: "Seems to me someone is chickening out."

Diana glared at Jake saying: "All right you're on, but if I win you double the payment."

For Jake, this wasn't a bad bet at all. Even if he were to triple the payment it wouldn't matter.


Diana shook his hand, but unlike the previous time when they met, she put a lot of force in it. "Don't think I'll go easy on you kid."

Jake smiled saying: "wouldn't want it any other way."

Jake then said goodbye to Diana and went to shower, before he went home.

He didn't hypnotize her today, but the next time he got an opportunity he would do so. But he would make sure his hypnotic suggestion wouldn't falsify their bet, as he wanted to win that fair and square, which he knew he was able to.

Jake smiled as he walked towards his home, muscles aching all over his body. Enjoying the fact he had another target and he couldn't wait to enjoy that sweet body of Diana's. He would make sure to make that she saw who was the boss in bed.