Gradually accepting it

The next day Julia woke up she immediately remembered everything that had happened last night. After being bound up so she couldn't move a single bit, her eyes and mouth were both restricted as well.

Then her body was tormented by vibrations for what seemed like an eternity to her. She was going mad from the pleasure assaulting her body. Yet she also remembered the loving gaze Jake had given her after she was done and was unbound.

Seeing Jake's naked sleeping body lying next to her she put on a pouting expression and said in a soft voice as to not wake him up: "you meanie."

But immediately after she said it Jake's eyes opened and he turned towards her lying on his side. Grabbing Julia's breasts he looked at her as he said: "oh so while your master's asleep you're badmouthing him huh?"

Julia got stunned as she didn't realize Jake was awake when she said it.

"N-no, I'm sorry master."

Jake smiled as he looked at her beautiful face while softly kneading her breast.

"Even though I wanted to reward you for last evening, seems you need to be punished as well. Perhaps we'll need to repeat what we did last night and train you some more to be a better slave."

Julia gulped hard and an anxious expression came on her face. She definitely didn't want to last night to repeat.

"Master, please not that. I'm really sorry. I'll definitely be a better slave." Julia tried to apologize hurriedly.

Jake smiled as he moved even closer to Julia. Still lying on his side, one of his hands went towards her ass and grabbed it fully, the other hand still groped her breast while his face was right in front of her.

"Oh didn't you enjoy last night? I seem to recall you climaxing again and again."

Julia smiled wryly. Yes she had experienced an amazing amount of pleasure and her body climaxed an innumerable amount of times, but it had also driven her mad and she didn't know if her body could handle another session.

Jake then put his lips on top of hers and naturally, Julia gladly kissed him back and soon both were exchanging lots of saliva as their tongues coiled around each others.

After kissing for a few minutes Jake broke it off and looked at Julia's beautiful and slightly red face. He did realize that what he did to her last night, was probably a bit much, but it was not like he had any regret about it.

Seeing the body of this sexy housewife convulsing so much aroused him greatly, but he also realized Julia had probably been going mad from it.

"All right your master forgives you this once, but you never badmouth him again," Jake said, slapping her meaty ass a few times.

Julia smiled as she said: "yes master, thank you."

"Also to make up for last night, you can ask me something you want to have or do. Naturally, I still need to agree on it, but you can ask for anything."

Julia didn't realize she would actually be rewarded for the ordeal she went through last night, but still, she nodded softly thinking about what she would ask of him.

Then suddenly a noise on the other side of Jake was heard.

"Ah, master is favoring mother again."

Jake then felt two soft balloons pressed against his back. Naturally, he knew what they were.

He turned his head around and looked at Kayla's pouting face.

"Didn't we continue to have sex for hours after Julia passed out. I didn't hear you complain then. Even more so, since when is a slave allowed to complain"

"Ah." Kayla realized she spoke a bit too much. She put on a cute face and apologized: "sorry master."

Jake let go of Julia and turned towards Kayla. One hand fingered her pussy while the other pulled on her nipple.

"Seems like I still need to train this insolent body of yours."

"Ah, no master. Kayla will act well from now on."

Jake smirked as he said: "Oh yes I'll definitely make sure of that."

Jake then moved on top of her and immediately pierced her pussy with his dick. Only lewd moans were heard after that, but unfortunately, he could have fun with the two women for long as it was a school day.

So after filling up both their wombs once, they left the bedroom and went to get ready for school. Naturally, the class Jake looked forward to was his English one. Not because of the class itself, but what would happen after it due to his agreement with the beautiful teacher.

Luckily all these English classes were either before the small or big break they had in school, so he could enjoy her juicy lips the longest.

Before long it was time for the class Jennifer taught and Jake sat at his desk very much looking forward to it. When Jennifer entered she was dressed like usual, but then she didn't seem as confident as she normally did.

In fact, right after entering the classroom, she looked at Jake and her face blushed red. Remembering not only the lewd kiss they shared the day before but what she did last night as well.

After Jake and she kissed she kept feeling his smooth lips on top of hers. Especially when she once again went into heat yesterday evening.

She couldn't resist masturbating at all and she once again got to it. Only now she perfectly remembered the feeling of Jake's lips and kept feeling them on her mouth.

And even though she should be ashamed of herself for making out with her student, when she masturbated and remembered the kiss her body went fully into heat.

Perfectly remembering the deep kiss they had she kept playing with herself, but as she continued more and more of Jake was imagined.

Feeling his hands on top of her supple butt, her breasts being squashed against his chest. His body's odor, which kept intoxicating her as they kissed.

Every part of Jake was remembered perfectly and it only got her more and more into heat. She kept climaxing again and again and she visualized Jake's rod penetrating her deep.

And the moment she walked into the classroom and looked at the boy she had been thinking about her body remembered it all and she felt her horniness acting up once more.

She gulped and resumed her way towards the teacher's desk. Not only did she remember the lewd things she had done last night, she knew as well that after the bell would ring, but her mouth would also once again be explored by his greedy tongue.

Instead of feeling grossed out about being sexually tormented by a teenager, Jennifer's body heated up gradually awaiting Jake's touch. She was actually looking forward to being pleasured by Jake.

Still, she tried to act as normal as possible and she began the class. But today the lust accumulating in her body seemed to increase even faster than usual.

Her pussy was itching like crazy and she felt her stiff nipples grind against the inside of her bra. Hot breath escaped her mouth as she licked her lips. She kept glancing at Jake and whenever she did, a wave of pleasure coursed through her body.

Just looking at him now caused such a reaction in her body and she realized every day she longed for him more. In the beginning, she thought it was just because she was sexually frustrated and that because Jake was quite handsome her body reacted to him.

Yet, currently, she knew there was more to it, as she had satisfied her body greatly these last few days. Even though she didn't have sex, she masturbated a lot.

So she realized her body was actually attracted to Jake and slowly she realized she was falling for him. But Jake was a student so she tried to suppress it as much as she could, but after they had a deep long french kiss it seemed a barrier inside her had broken and she got more honest with herself.

She still knew it was wrong to have these feelings for a student of hers, but what could she do about it. Her body clearly hungered for Jake's dick and she had already come to the conclusion she couldn't go against it.

The class furthered and soon it was almost over. A few minutes before class would actually end, Jennifer was already very horny, so turning towards the class putting her all in acting normally she said: "All right you can go now."

The students happy that they could go a bit earlier immediately left the classroom and went to the cafeteria as they would now have a break of a bit more than 15 minutes.

Every student left, except for one, who smirking waited for everyone else to leave. And when Jennifer and Jake were finally alone Jake looked at Jennifer with a ravenous expression, ready to devour her.

Jennifer also looked at Jake, but she instead looked like a little lamb, ready to be eaten by the big bad wolf, which was Jake.