Once again at Jennifer's

After the hot kissing session Jake had with Jennifer, nothing more happened. He continued his days, playing with Stefanie at school, who had to come not wearing underway until Friday.

Every day Jake and Stefanie played with each other lots, he fingered her a lot and in return, Stefanie gave him a blowjob. He really enjoyed playing with her cute body and every day they did something lewd, Stefanie got less and less shy about it and enjoyed it more and more.

Naturally, Stefanie wasn't the only woman Jake had his fun with. At home, his two beautiful slaves kept serving him very well and Julia ass was ripe for the taking. Jake had toyed around enough with it and he had told Julia that this weekend she would lose her anal virginity.

Naturally, this caused her to get a bit nervous, yet she was also looking forward to it. As Jake kept playing with her ass she had gotten to enjoy it a lot and now feeling the butt plug constantly in her ass didn't even feel weird anymore. Hell, if she didn't have a plug in her ass was what felt weird to her now.

Naturally at school, Jake had two more kissing sessions with Jennifer, and today on Friday he would enjoy that sweet mouth of hers once again.

The entire English lesson he could see Jennifer looking at him, but now it wasn't with lust like it usually was Jake could feel there was something else in her look, but he couldn't really understand what it was.

Like usual after the class ended every student immediately left, leaving behind only Jennifer and Jake.

Jennifer was fidgeting with her hands as Jake approached her. Naturally, she was looking forward to the kiss, but there was something else she needed to ask of him first.

"Before we kiss can I ask you something," Jennifer said to Jake.

"Of course."

"T-then tonight how about you come to have dinner at my house?"

Jake smiled inside his mind as he could guess where it was going. He gave her sexy body a good look as he said to Jennifer: "Of course, I quite enjoyed the previous time."

Jennifer smiled and was happy he agreed to her request. She gulped and her heart started pounding faster as she thought about what she planned in the evening.

Jake moved closer to Jennifer and put his hand on her neck as he said: "Now, let's enjoy ourselves."

After which Jake and Jennifer passionately kissed once more, causing Jennifer to feel amazing once more and it only made her feel better about what she wanted tonight.

After it ended, Jake left the room leaving behind Jennifer who was looking forward to tonight very much.

After that, Jake could only think of what would happen tonight and he didn't do anything else. He even refrained from playing with Stefanie for the rest of the day as he wanted to spare everything for his teacher.

This was too great disappointment of Stefanie. After four days of constantly doing lewd stuff together, Jake suddenly didn't want to do anything on Friday, which annoyed her a bit. Mostly because this meant her body would go unsatisfied.

Still, she would go to his house tomorrow on Saturday where she hoped something special would happen, so she thought Jake wanted to charge himself up for tomorrow. Realizing this she didn't give him a hard time about it.

Still, when she thought about the stuff they would do her cheeks blushed red and she got nervous yet excited for it.

Hours passed by and it wasn't before long Jake stood in front of a door once more.

*Ding Dong*

Jake rang the bell and waited for Jennifer to appear. Even though he was a bit surprised when Jennifer asked him to once again come over for dinner, he realized the lust accumulating in her body had become too much for her to handle.

So she made the decision that this night Friday night she would ask Jake for sex.

Not long after Jake rang the doorbell the door was opened and Jennifer appeared behind it. Her face immediately blushed red as she gulped, realizing what her plan was for the night.

Jake was a bit surprised as well when he looked at her clothes. Jennifer, wore tight jeans perfectly accentuating her wide hips as well as amazing big supple butt. But what he was looking the most at was the top of her body.

Wearing a white tight tank top, her big bust was shown amazingly. It had a deep cut making it so Jake could see her balloons perfectly.

Naturally, Jennifer was quite embarrassed knowing she dressed up pretty naughty and when she saw Jake's eyes greedily inspect her body, especially chest area, her already blushing face became even redder.

Right now Jennifer wasn't a teacher wanting to teach a student. No at this moment she was a woman trying to court a man. Even though she knew it was wrong, she couldn't go against her body anymore.

Over the course of the last days, her body had been wanting Jake more and more and Jennifer masturbated with him in her mind whenever she got the chance.

And she knew Jake was interested in her as well as they had shared multiple hot kissed where his hands roamed all over her body. Even hours after their kiss she could still feel the heat his hands left groping her ass.

"C-come in," Jennifer said a bit nervously.

Jake smiled and walked inside. "You look very beautiful Ms. Harper."

Jennifer, blushed even harder and her heart skipped a beat as the man she liked complimented her.

"T-thank you, and please call me Jennifer. Ms. Harper is too formal."

Jake smiled and said: "Sure Jennifer."

Jennifer could feel her pussy twitch from just Jake calling her by name.

Jake and Jennifer then went towards the kitchen where Jennifer put on an apron and finished cooking dinner. The previous time when Jennifer had invited him as an excuse the dinner was fine, but not too extraordinary.

Right now, Jennifer wanted to please Jake very much and went all out with her cooking as she made lots of tasty food. Just the thought of her cooking dinner for her man, made her heart beat a bit faster.

Jake just relaxed as he looked at the backside of the 28-year-old beauty. Her big ass stuffed in such tight jeans, only made it look even better and Jake couldn't wait to enter it.

Naturally, Jennifer owning such a big ass would experience lots of anal training as well, but that would come later. First, he needed to have her accept him as her master.

Even though Jennifer was looking at the dinner she was making and not at Jake, she knew his eyes were glued to her ass and she even tried to wiggle it a bit, to give him an even better view of it.

Naturally, Jennifer knew that she had some great assets and in order to seduce Jake she would use them fully. That's the reason she dressed like this as well. When she stood in front of the mirror before Jake was there she got really embarrassed about dressing up like this for her student, yet she also admired her sexy body and knew with it, a student like Jake wouldn't be able to resist.

It didn't take long for her to finish making dinner and she served it to the table they would eat at.

Jake didn't loiter and immediately started eating all the delicious food, Jennifer had prepared and honestly, he found it all extremely tasty.

Jennifer looked at the eating Jake with hopeful eyes, hoping he really liked her food.

Jake looked up and said to her: "it's very delicious, you're an amazing cook."

Jennifer's heart fluttered and her face tinted red once more, hearing Jake compliment her.

"Thank you."

Jennifer and Jake then continued to eat dinner and naturally none of the tasty food was left after they were done.

When Jake finished his food he sat back against the chair and relaxed. It really was some amazing food and he didn't lie when he complimented her. Comparing it to Julia's cooking abilities who had been making food all her life, he couldn't say Jennifer was far off.

In the future both could make his food together, naturally as they both only wore a naked apron, making it so Jake could look at their amazing asses.

Jennifer then cleaned the table and they chatted a bit like they did the last time as well. Then Jake thought it was time for him to start executing the reason he was here for. To turn this beauty into his slave.

"Jennifer I really enjoyed the food and your company, but," Jennifer didn't know what Jake would say next and she got a bit unsettled not knowing what she had done wrong.

"But please don't think this will make me delete the footage of you masturbating in the classroom."

Jennifer looked at Jake with a surprised gaze. This wasn't the reason she had invited him for. Jennifer realized Jake thought of this as her trying to get out of their current relationship in which Jake blackmailed her with the video to get her to kiss him.

She immediately tried to rectify it. "N-no that wasn't the reason I invited you."

Jake looked at Jennifer like he didn't believe what she said and she was only trying to come up with an excuse.

"Then what did you invite me for. And don't say because you wanted to cook food for me just because."

Jennifer gulped as she thought of the real reason. Her asking him for sex. She hadn't prepared herself mentally yet to ask this kind of question so she looked at Jake nervously.

But the longer she didn't answer, she could see Jake's face get more annoyed and she desperately tried to settle her mind.

Jake sighed and slowly stood up: "If you can't answer the question, I'll just leave."

This gave Jennifer a wake-up sign and she quickly said: "No, wait."

Jake looked at her with a gaze that told Jennifer this was her last chance, so she tried to settle her nervous heart.

"I-I," Jennifer gulped hard and resumed in a soft voice, "want to have sex with you."