Playing around with Stefanie

When Stefanie walked into the room she immediately examined it and it looked surprisingly normal. Still, she was incredibly nervous.

Jake smiled at the fidgeting Stefanie and signaled her to sit down on his bed, which she did. Thinking Jake would go sit on a chair she relaxed for a bit, but immediately tensed up when Jake sat down next to her on the bed.

Smelling his body odor, which she found smell nice while being so close to him Stefanie's cheeks turned even redder.

"L-lets start with the homework."

"Yes let's start."

Little did Stefanie know Jake meant something entirely different. She felt Jake look at her and in response looked back at him, but once she did a piercing strike appeared in her mind, but she herself didn't even realize it anymore as her eyes went lifeless and her body didn't move anymore.

Jake smiled seeing it was quite easy to put her in the hypnotized state.

"Tell me your name, age, and gender." He ordered.

Stefanie then answered: "Stefanie, 16, female."

"Are you a virgin?" Naturally Jake wanted to be sure.


He smiled as he knew that he would be able to once again deflower a girl. Then he asked her something which he thought he knew the answer to already, but he wanted to know for sure as it had bothered him a lot.

"Why did you make my, Jake's, life difficult in high school."

While the normal Stefanie would never answer this honestly. She was currently in the hypnotized state and would answer his questions without shame and lies, immediately.

"I liked you, but you always ignored me and everyone else, but once I started to annoy you, you became more aware of me. It was the only way for me to have you talk to me."

"Haaah."Jake sighed hearing her excuse. Yes, he was a bit of a loner and fine with that, but she could have just told him she liked him. Instead, she had to go about it in such a round-about way. But that was all in the past, now she would make up for it plenty using her body.

"You still like me now?"


Jake smiled and realized it was time for him to implant the hypnotic suggestions in her mind.

"From now on your body heats up slowly whenever around me. When I touch you sexually you get very aroused and can't bring yourself to stop me."

He thought this was all he needed to make her fall, as he could fully use her interest in him. He only needed to awake her lewd side and turn this cute sometimes nervous and quiet and sometimes extremely loud and annoying girl into one that couldn't resist the pleasure Jake gave her.

He undid the hypnosis and not long after Stefanie's eyes regained their light as her body moved once more.

"Everything alright Stefanie?"

"Hmm ah? Yes."

Stefanie looked at Jake and didn't really know what happened, but immediately she thought she must have just dozed off.

"Shall we begin the homework then?" She asked once more, but Jake kept looking at her which made her shy away once more.

"We'll do the homework later, first something much more important."

Stefanie didn't know what he was talking about and looked at Jake with a questioning expression. But once she did she saw his sweet smile staring at her and her cheeks turned even redder. Jake then lifted her chin with his fingers and made her not shy away from him once again.

Stefanie's cheeks turned beet red and she was unknown as to what was going on. She constantly looked at Jake's handsome face and then she realized it was slowly moving in closer towards her.

She didn't know what he was trying to do, but her heart was racing crazily. She didn't move away and slowly Jake's face came closer to hers.

Then suddenly he sped up a bit and before Stefanie realized it Jake had planted his lips on top of hers, sucking on them.

She was stunned as she didn't see it coming that Jake would kiss her, but even though he planted his lips on top of hers so suddenly Stefanie didn't seem able to push him away or retreat herself.

Instead, she allowed him to suck on her lips and she even felt extremely good from it as well. She was a stranger to things between man and woman. Naturally, she knew about but never had she done so herself, so this was her first kiss and it was taken so forcefully.

But even then she started to enjoy it greatly and before she knew it she nervously started to kiss Jake back, sucking on his lips softly as well.

Meanwhile Jake very much enjoyed making out with the shy cute Stefanie and feeling that after a bit she got into it as well, kissing him back softly he became a bit more aggressive.

After a bit of smooching, Jake broke the kiss, much to Stefanie's displeasure, but then she heard him say: "open your mouth a bit and let me in."

Then not even a second after the greedy lips were on top of hers once again. Stefanie knew what Jake wanted and obeyed his words, opening her mouth a bit.

Immediately Jake's tongue darted inside her mouth and greedily licked everything, before settling around her own tongue.

She tried to use her tongue as well, but it was completely being dominated by Jake's.

Like this, the two kept making out as their kiss became lewder and lewder. The nervousness disappeared inside Stefanie and she truly started to enjoy it, when suddenly she felt Jake's hand leaving her chin only to reappear at an area she was very conscious about.

Jake had lowered his hand and landed on her chest, trying to feel up the small buds on there, but immediately once he did, Stefanie broke the kiss and retreated shielding her chest with her arms.

Jake was a bit surprised as she shouldn't be able to go against his advances, but he realized she was just too shy about her breasts.

"D-don't touch me there."

Jake smiled and answered: "Oh, and why not?"

Stefanie looked at Jake shyly, but still answered him: "T-they're too small."

Jake started laughing out loud much to the displeasure of Stefanie. She really hated the fact her breasts were still so small. All her friends had grown bigger than her and they kept comparing how much they grew to Stefanie's.

What bothered her the most was that at her house two women always looked proud with their big busts, standing up proudly.

Especially her sister, who didn't even care about it. She was only two years older than her yet, her older sister had a big pair, while she was left with nothing.

So now hearing Jake only annoyed her even more, but hearing his next words she looked at him stunned.

"So what if they are small? Who said I don't like small breasts? Honestly, I think they look amazing and I can't wait to have a feel of them, but if you don't want to I won't force you. We'll just do the English exercises and you can go home and we'll forget about this."

Stefanie stared at Jake. He liked the fact that she had small breasts? She thought every boy wanted their girl to have bigger ones. That's why she was always so hesitant to confess to him as she thought that Jake would prefer a girl with bigger assets.

Yet now he said he quite enjoyed them. Then what was she so embarrassed about. The boy she liked, liked the fact that she had a small chest.

"I-I want to continue." She said to Jake.

He smiled and looked at her: "Then show them to me."

Stefanie got redder by the second. "S-show them?"

Jake smiled and said to her: "Take off everything on the top part of your body. Of course, if you don't want to continue that's fine as well."

Stefanie gulped as she really wanted to continue yet she was also still nervous for showing off her naked body to a boy. But after a bit, she resolved herself and she would not let the embarrassment get to her, so she slowly started to take off her shirt.

Jake seeing Stefanie slowly removing her clothes smiled. Then a cute bra appeared shielding off the small breasts she had. Seeing her cute nervous face Jake once again moved in to kiss her.

And while doing so Stefanie's nervousness slowly turned into horniness, as she felt her entire body starting to heat up once more. Feeling Jake's skillful tongue completely dominate hers as his aggressive lips sucked on her's.

She didn't even realize that Jake was slowly taking off her bra. When Jake broke off the kiss she looked at him with a gaze that wanted to continue. Only now did she realize Jake had her bra in his hands and was looking down towards her chest area.

Looking down, she saw her two small buds, with a cherry on top of each, completely exposed to Jake and he was fully taking them in.

But when she heard Jake's words her embarrassment disappeared and she even tried to stick out her chest so he could get a better view.

"They're beautiful, I can't imagine you don't like them."

Jake then moved in and cupped one of her breasts with his hand, playing around with her nipple as well.

"Ah, no."

Stefanie moaned softly as she felt amazing pleasure coming from her breasts and she didn't try to retreat a bit, as she let Jake play with her as he liked.

Not long after, their lips once again found each other and they began deep kissing once more. Meanwhile Jake kept toying with her breasts and especially her nipples were enjoying it greatly.