Acquiring the third slave

Jake just smiled hearing Jennifer's question but didn't respond to it at all, causing Jennifer to feel even more doubt.

Perhaps she should have just gotten him a beer. It wasn't that special for an underage kid to have a beer once in a while, but still due to her being a teacher she just really wasn't okay with it.

Even though she also realized what she was doing now was definitely not okay as well, her body just desperately needed it.

After a bit to her relieve Jake finally spoke up: "It's not time to fuck just yet, first we need to do something."

Jennifer didn't really know what Jake meant by it but at least she knew sex was still on the table.

"Before we move to the bedroom I have a condition and only if you accept it will we proceed."

Jennifer still didn't know what he meant and eagerly listened to what he wanted.

Jake smiled brightly as he knew the moment was finally here, he would now turn his sexy beautiful teacher in his slave.

"The condition is that from now on, you'll be my slave, doing everything I tell you to, no disobedience allowed."

"Haah?" Jennifer thought he was joking at first, but seeing his icy smile she realized he didn't say one word he didn't mean.

"That? Are you serious?" She still needed to confirm, if this boy wasn't just playing some sort of joke with her.

"Not at all. The only way for me and you to go to the bedroom and fuck is if you call me master."

Jennifer was stunned and looked at Jake. She couldn't imagine someone like him could say such things and mean them.

"That, I'm sorry Jake but I can't condone this. You can't just make someone your slave. I-"

"Shut up," Jake said and as soon as he did Jennifer closed her mouth and looked at him. She planned to teach him a lesson and try to change his behavior, but two words from him made her shut up completely.

"See it isn't that hard. I tell you to shut up and you do so. And you know being my slave isn't so bad. I'll personally deal with any horniness you have and make sure you're sexually satisfied each day. I know you're always in heat when we're together. It's not hard seeing you look at me with lust in your eyes. And now you even invited me to have sex. I can see you're the one who needs it, way more than I do."

Jennifer didn't know what to say and realized Jake already completely understood her emotions and thoughts. He knew she craved for him and now he was capitalized on that.

"S-still, I can't just become your slave. That's-"

Jake once again interrupted her as he said: "But I've been treating you like a slave for the entire evening and apart from you disobeying me with the beer and not swallowing everything you did everything I told you to."

Jake smiled as he continued: "Didn't you play with your tits before me? And after that didn't I make you masturbate in front of me while at first, you didn't want me filming it, but right now on my phone is an amazing video of you masturbating. And even just now you disliked giving me a blowjob yet, in the end, I even made you swallow a huge load. You didn't realize it yet, but you were already my slave."

Jennifer looked at Jake with wide-open eyes as she remembered all the events he talked about. And in doing so she realized he was talking the truth. Time again he made her do something she didn't want to do at first. Yet after she did it she couldn't be happier.

This was one of the most amazing days of her life and she hadn't even had sex yet. Then some thoughts began running through her mind. Would she feel even more pleasure if she did become his slave? Would her life become amazing in doing so?

Jennifer was actually starting to think about it. Thoughts like becoming someone's slave shouldn't even cross somebody's mind, yet now she was really thinking about it.

She already realized that whenever Jake used a dominant voice and tell her to do something, she probably would do so. If he had ordered her to give him a beer, she didn't know if she had been able to go against him, so she realized that without her knowing their relationship was already becoming one of master and slave.

Meanwhile Jake saw the naked beauty still covered in semen thinking about it and he decided to give her an extra nudge.

Huge stood up and put his dick back in his pants before tightening his belt.

"I see you've made your decision. Then I'm sorry but we're gonna stop our 'special' relationship altogether. We'll go back to a normal student and teacher. We'll stop the making out sessions and I won't come to eat dinner here anymore. I'll be going home now then."

It all happened too fast for Jennifer and before she knew it she was already looking at Jake's leaving back. He was heading for the door and Jennifer knew if he went through the door now, he would never come back.

She realized he would continue to live his life and use his huge dick to conquer some other beautiful woman. While in return she would be left with unsatisfied urges, which she wasn't able to relieve herself and she didn't want any other male than Jake touching her, so where would that leave her?

She would go mad and in not long, she would break down and become a lonely woman with nothing to live for.

Then was becoming this charming guy with a huge dick's slave such a bad alternative.

She imagined her life only now with her agreeing to the offer. Entire days and nights would be spent with his dick fucking her pussy. He would go down on her again and again and her life would be filled with nothing but pleasure.

She would be happy and all she had to do in return was do everything Jake told her to do, which she knew most would be about sex.

Then she realized the decision was nowhere as hard as she thought it would be. In fact, it was one of the easiest in her life.

"W-wait Jake."

Jake turned around and he could already guess what was coming next, but he still had a stoic expression on his face.

"I'll do it," Jennifer blushed a bit as what she was about to say was by no means normal, "I'll become your slave."

A smile crept onto his face and he walked towards Jennifer. He pinched a nipple and played around with it for a while as he said: "That means from now on you'll do everything I tell you to? Without disobedience?"

Jennifer already felt good from just Jake pinching her nipple, which only made the decision she made even better: "Yes."

"Good, then from now on when in private you call me master and," *Pats* Jake spanked her meaty ass, "if you disobey me, you'll be punished."

Jennifer felt a mixture of pain and pleasure after Jake hit her and she knew by looking at his face he was serious.



Jake spanked her again at the same ass cheek.

"Eeh," Jennifer looked at Jake unknowing what she did wrong, yet after seeing his serious look she immediately remembered, "Yes, master."

Jake smiled and gently groped the ass cheek he just slapped, he then said: "Good remember it from now on."

"Yes master," Jennifer said as she didn't want to be slapped on her butt again, even though it gave her some sort of weird pleasurable feeling as well. Still, it was a bit weird calling Jake her master and she knew it wasn't just for fun.

Jake, her 16-year-old student had become her master and she now had to follow his commands. Yes, she found it weird, but her heart pounded faster and her stomach itched on the inside at just the thought of Jake making her spread her legs and then banging her hard.

Jake smiled as he looked at the beautiful newly acquired slave and he couldn't be happier as his total now increased to three and every one of them is an amazing beauty.

"Now then let's see how you act now, slave go get me a nice cold beer."

Jennifer could see this one coming and knew that a response like she did not long ago would only bring her trouble so she smiled and said: "Yes master."

Jennifer then left and went to get a beer from the fridge. Meanwhile, jake undressed and sat down on the couch once more, only now he made himself feel at home because he already viewed this apartment as his own.

Naturally, everything Jennifer owned now belonged to him, but for now, he didn't want to think about that. He finally got the super beauty in Jennifer as his slave and naturally, the next step was continuous and amazing sex.

He couldn't wait to lose himself in her amazing body.

Jennifer returned soon after with in her hands a nice cold bottle of beer. She handed it to Jake who immediately took a sip from it.

"Good you set right your first disobedience now do you think you can do the second as well?"

"Yes master, I'll definitely succeed."

Jennifer knew what he was talking about and once again she got on her knees in front of Jake. She didn't wait and once again took his dick inside her mouth before she gave Jake an amazing blowjob once again.

Still, Jennifer was a bit nervous as her stomach was already filled with a lot of semen and if Jake would pour the same amount in her right now she would probably drown from it. However, she vowed to herself to gulp down every single drop and make Jake see she would be a good slave. Like this, she knew he would treat her well.

Jake enjoyed her second blowjob even more. Not only was she already getting used to sucking his dick, but now her status was Jake's slave, so naturally he would feel better from that.

It didn't take long for Jake to feel his second orgasm coming. Not only was she sucking on his dick with great vigor, but Jennifer also started to use her tongue more and more, giving him even more pleasure.

"I'm gonna cum soon Jennifer, you swallow it all, I'll reward you. As for failing you probably already know."

Jennifer braced herself and as soon as the delicious semen started to stream out his dick in her mouth once more, she gulped it down.

Every ounce of semen went into her throat, down her esophagus before finally filling up her stomach. Jennifer swallowed everything and after she felt no more semen coming out she took the dick out her mouth and smiled at Jake.

Jennifer than opened her mouth to show her the evidence and said: "Master, I've swallowed it all."

Jake smiled at the beautiful face of Jennifer smiling so cute and he couldn't feel any better.

"Then I guess it's time for the master and his slave to go to the bedroom, what do you think ready for the best night of your life."

Jennifer enthusiastically said: "Yes master."