Head slave

Jake's dick entered Stefanie's small tight pussy. But it didn't hurt Stefanie at all, instead, she moaned out loud, feeling Jake's dick go deep inside her vagina.

It was only a very short while ago when she was still a virgin clueless to the pleasures of sex. Yet now she was being reformed by Jake into a girl who loved sex.

At her first experience, she felt a bit of pain, followed by amazing pleasure. Now Stefanie only felt insanely good. Feeling Jake's big dick ravage her insides, made her moan out loud continuously.

Jake too enjoyed himself a great deal. It was no surprise this girl had the tightest pussy of them all, still, he entered her as deeply as he could, which felt amazing.

At first, Jake moved slowly but he soon saw Stefanie wasn't experiencing any difficulties from her recent virgin loss, instead, she was moving her own body as well to make him enter her deeper. It seemed like she was ready for some harder sex.

Jake smiled and began to truly rock his hips back and forth. Stefanie did want Jake to go faster but was too embarrassed to ask. When he began moving faster she quickly lost control over herself and was now at the mercy of her master.

Feeling his dick slam against her womb every time, while he went in and out of her, felt so good she could only keep her legs spread while moaning cutely.

Meanwhile, Julia was pouting once again. First, she had to look at her master doing it with his teacher and now she was once again looking at him fucking his classmate. She wanted her own pussy to be done as well, but Jake would first do the other slaves.

Looking at the cute girl's face a slightly evil grin got on her face. If she would pass out from feeling too much pleasure wasn't there only her left that he could fuck.

So while licking her lips she went to Stefanie's upper body, taking both nipples between her fingers.

Stefanie's eyes looked at Julia as she said: "E-eh, Mrs. Davis?"

Julia chuckled as she kept playing with this small chest, along with the cute nipples on top.

"You don't have to be so courteous, after all, I'm your slave sister. So you can call me Julia."

While Julia softly said this her mouth got closer and closer to Stefanie's. Still, Stefanie couldn't keep her mind clear, after all her pussy was being slammed by a big dick.

"J-Julia, what ar-." Before Stefanie could even finish her sentence Julia had pressed her lips on top of hers.

Stefanie knew Julia had just made out with Jennifer, so seeing her come so close to her she guessed what would happen next, but still feeling the lips of a mature woman on her own surprised her a lot.

Until now Jake was the only one who she had kissed with. Now though a mature housewife was added to that list.

Due to Jake's dick messing her up, while Julia skillfully played with her small breasts, Stefanie couldn't think clearly and just started to enjoy the forceful kiss.

Feeling Julia's experienced tongue inside her mouth she soon started to enjoy it as well. Just like Jennifer she was attacked at all her sensitive places and for a girl like her with very little experience it didn't take long for her to reach climax.

Still, the assault on her body didn't stop and only got harder, causing her to cum harder as well.

Jake too noticed Stefanie going hard, but didn't relent. Instead, he moved his hips even harder. He long since saw through Julia's plan, but didn't stop or anything. Only by having a lot of hard sex would Stefanie get used to it.

So now she would probably need a bit to recover her energy, but in the future, she would definitely hold out longer.

Even though Jake wanted to last as long as possible, feeling Stefanie's tight pussy continuously constrict around his dick, coupled with the fact he kept looking at two beautiful women kissing each other, he soon reached the end as well.

Without saying anything he began to spurt out his semen once again, only this time the receiver was Stefanie's womb.

Upon feeling her womb being filled with something hot, Stefanie reached the biggest climax of the day, moaning out loud while she squirted juices on his middle.

Jake made sure to have everything enter Stefanie's womb before he pulled out. Julia too stopped her attack on Stefanie's body.

Stefanie climaxed hard before she closed her eyes to fall asleep, just like Jennifer had done.

Jake then looked at Julia who returned with a lewd gaze.

"M-master, since the others are out why don't I serve you now?" Julia said with a coquettish gaze and intoxicated expression wanting Jake's dick inside her as soon as possible.

Jake moved to Julia grabbing both tits with his hands, causing her to moan. "Aren't you a bad girl, taking out the other slaves so you can get it yourself?"

Julia moaningly said: "T-that, I just pleasured them a bit."

Jake chuckled, "You knew both of them have just recently become a slave, unlike you. So naturally, they can't handle it yet."

Julia knew she was found out and smiled brightly and stuck out her cute tongue with a playful gaze.

Jake smiled seeing her expression like a little girl that was found out. Squeezing her huge breasts he said: "See how I punish that lewd body of yours."

Julia knew what was gonna happen next and spread her legs, revealing her soaking wet pussy.

"Please master punish Julia's pussy as much as you want to. Julia's pussy will take it all. Ah, Julia's asshole as well."

"Oh but that won't be much of a punishment won't it? A better punishment would be to not put my dick inside you."

Julia's eyes opened wide in shock. "Noooo, master please not that, please fuck me."

"I wouldn't be much of a master if I didn't punish slaves with bad intentions."

Julia realizing Jake would pleasure her horny body like this pouted, "No please master, I promise to be better."

Jake gently groped her breasts as he said: "You're the most experienced slave, so instead of overloading other slaves with pleasure you have to teach them how to best serve me."

Julia felt proud of being called the most experienced slave and stuck out her chest in pride.

Jake pinched her nipples seeing she didn't react.

"Aaahh, sorry master. Julia will be a better slave and teach her sister slaves."

"That's better. But if you don't want to, Kayla is getting a lot of experience as well, so how about she takes the role of head slave and teaches the other slaves."

Hearing the term 'head slave' Julia's eyes looked at Jake as she said: "No, no Julia will do it. I will be the head slave and teach other slaves how to best serve master."

Jake chuckled as he moved behind Julia, still kneading her tits.

"That's good, then things like this won't happen again won't they?"

"No, they won't master, I'm sorry."

"I know your body is extremely lewd, after all, I made it like that, but you have to learn to share with other slaves. Now you'll officially become the head slave, which means you have to take care of and educate other slaves. You must not increase a slave's pleasure so much until they passed out, unless I gave you an order to do so, got it?"

"Yes master," Julia said loudly, looking extremely happy. After all her master had made her head slave, which naturally meant her master valued her a lot.

"Be a good slave and make sure to become a figure the other slaves look up to if do things like this," Jake said looking at the sleeping figures of Jennifer and Stefanie who looked like they went to heaven. He then pinched her nipples, "I'll punish you and appoint another slave as the head slave."

"Yes master, Julia definitely won't disappoint you. I'll become a great slave and help other slaves become amazing slaves."

"Good then as a reward for becoming head slave, you probably know right?"

Julia licked her lips as her pussy twitched. "Yes, master will do Julia's pussy."

"Exactly, now raise that body of yours and have it descend on my dick."

Julia did as asked and like she was sitting down on Jake's lap, his dick entering her overflowing pussy.

"Aaaahhh, yeeess," Julia moaned out loud.

Jake kept fondling her amazing tits as Julia herself raised and lowered her hips to make sure Jake's dick reached as deep as possible.

Like this Julia kept her rocking her hips while Jake enjoyed himself fully playing with her amazing set of tits.

He already had a few orgasms, so the next one wasn't far away. Like with all the others, his semen soon resided inside a womb of a beautiful woman.

Julia reacting to the semen being released inside her came as well, moaning it out loud.

Jake lied down backward, Julia going with him, resting her body on top of his, Jake's hands hadn't left her tits since they began and even now he kept fondling them after all tits like these shouldn't be left alone for long.

After a bit, his dick was fully revived and ready to go, but before he began he said out loud: "Girls don't you think it's about time to wake up and get some payback?"

Jennifer as well as Stefanie who were already awake got up and looked at Julia with playful eyes.

"Eh, master what do you mean?"

Jake smiled as he made his dick enter her tight asshole in one go, causing Julia to moan loudly.

"Isn't it obvious, they'll return the favor manifold to you."

Julia moaned feeling Jake's dick enter her ass deeply but seeing the two women come closer to her with grinning faces, causing Julia to shiver knowing what was about to happen.