End of a day filled with sex

All women along with Jake finished their lunch. All of them had eaten a lot due to their previous intense workout in having sex.

It was also clear this day wasn't over for some time, so they made sure to eat a lot to have a lot of energy.

Jake watched as all four of his slaves worked hard to clean the table and kitchen as quickly as possible, so they would be able to return to the thing they all wanted to do most. Hot and horny sex.

Their pussies twitched wanting to feel the amazing thing which is Jake's big long dick inside their bodies.

Jennifer and Stefanie had only been turned into Jake's sex loving slaves recently, so their lust wasn't that big for now.

Kayla and Julia on the other hand had been with Jake for a few weeks already. And they knew there was nothing better than to have their master pound them for as much as possible.

Jake just enjoyed looking at the two naked and two apron covered bodies. Tits jiggling everywhere, while asses bubbled and hips swayed. He would never truly lose interest in any of his slaves. He could watch their naked bodies for days without getting a single bit bored.

All of the women knew Jake was looking at them, so they made sure to look as lewd as possible, showing him their tits, ass, or pussy whenever they could.

Julia and Kayla were the least embarrassed having been doing these for many days already. Jennifer and Stefanie at first watched the mother-daughter combo arouse their master before they self began doing it as well with a bright red flushed face.

It didn't take long for the entire dinner table to be cleaned, while the kitchen was also sparkling.

Seeing they had finished their job Jake stood up from his chair as he said: "Let's go in the living room, I have an announcement to make."

Without fail they followed Jake into the living room.

"Kayla, Jennifer, and Stefanie sit down on the couch please, Julia you bring that lewd body of yours over here," Jake said while standing in front of the couch.

Julia guessed what was coming next and happily went to stand next to Jake, who immediately grabbed an ass cheek of hers.

The other three pouted seeing Julia happily enjoy being groped, but sat down on the couch anyway.

Seeing the three had sat down and were looking at him Jake said: "All right, I've decided to make this horny housewife here the 'head slave'. Julia will make sure to train her fellow slaves along with me so they can serve me to the best of their abilities. She'll also be in charge of the household and can order any slaves to help her to do chores. I want the house clean at any time, as bedsheets that have been stained with the aftermath of sex washed immediately. Understood."

Naturally, all of them had their reservations hearing Julia got some power over them as well, but nodded anyway saying: "Yes master."

Julia looked happy being officially called the head slave.

"Now," Jake continued slapping Julia's big round butt, "Julia is still a slave such as you and if she ever takes her newfound authority too far she'll be punished accordingly. Also without my explicit command saying otherwise, on the bed, Julia is the same as the rest, a slave who will do her utmost best to serve her master, me. Do all of you understand?"

"Yes, master," the three women on the couch said in unison.

*Pats Pats* Jake smiled as he spanked Julia's ass some more, saying: "I said all of you."

"Y-yes master, I'll definitely not let you down."

"Good, now then shall we go to the bedroom once more?"

All four of them got a happy look on their face knowing some good times were once again coming.

The rest of the day, only moans came out of the master bedroom. Only stopping to eat some dinner in between.

Jake's dick was continuously pleasured by all the women, never let alone.

Even Jake himself was surprised how his dick didn't seem to go down at all and when it showed some signs of it, the four of them had it rising up once again in no-time.

Jake guessed his strange ability, coupled with the fact that he was working out a lot, made sure his dick had seemingly endless endurance. This made him ecstatic, after all, he now had four horny women to please, with many more to come.

In the evening Stefanie had to leave, as she still lived at home. So after taking a shower together with Jake, where he naturally took her from behind under the warm water coming out of the shower, he deep kissed her before sending her off.

Stefanie herself had never thought a day like this would come into her life, but still, she guessed this day filled with lots and lots of sex, was the best day of her life.

Even when going home, she could only think about the next time Jake's dick would penetrate her pussy.

The other three women weren't done just yet making the most of the evening to be showered in sex. In the end, all of them were completely drained of energy, resting in the bed.

Julia and Jennifer, rested at Jake's sides, while Kayla was lying on top of him. Even though it wasn't exactly the most comfortable he enjoyed the sexy body of Kayla while, tightly hugging the other two buxom beauties.

Jennifer would also sleep in their bed from now on, so it wasn't possible for everyone to rest at his side, hugged closely.

To not make anyone jealous the first time he agreed to have Kayla get on top of him, but starting tomorrow the women would have to take turns at his sides.

He wouldn't be able to please everyone especially as more slaves would join on the bed. But Jake wasn't there to make sure all his slaves were satisfied, that would be the other way around. The slaves would make sure he was satisfied, even if it meant they were not.

Due to having sex for the most part of the day, everyone was exhausted and soon fell asleep. All of them only woke up once again when the alarm clock went off signaling it was time to get up to go to school.

Jake opened his eyes and saw three beautiful pairs of eyes looking at him. The women smiled brightly saying: "Good morning master."

"Good morning my cute little slaves," he replied giving all of them a smooch on their juicy lips.

He wanted to fuck all of them before school, but seeing the time that wasn't possible. "All right, Julia go make breakfast, the two of you will head into the shower with me."

Julia pouted not being included in the shower, knowing shower sex was definitely happening, but she quickly made her way to the kitchen to make breakfast and some lunch boxes hoping, Jake would give her a pounding if she finished on time.

Meanwhile, the two big breasted women were using their assets to rinse Jake with soap.

Both of them got rewarded with a fresh load of semen in their wombs, after which they quickly got out of the shower and put on their clothes.

Heading downstairs the dinner table was fully set up and Julia smiled in her naked apron. Jake rewarded her by making her give him a blowjob while he ate his breakfast. Naturally, Julia happily got under the table to serve his dick.

Soon after it was time to go to school once more. Jennifer went in her car while Jake walked towards school with Kayla. He didn't want anyone to find out about his newfound relationship with Jennifer so naturally, he didn't travel with her together.

Arriving at the school Jake parted from Kayla and walked towards his locker, in front he could see the cute figure of a beautiful girl, a radiant smile on her face.

Seeing Jake she lit up even more quickly going towards him. When close she said: "C-can I kiss you?"

Jake chuckled, "of course you're my girlfriend aren't you."

Stefanie blushed fiercely hearing him say, girlfriend. It made her heart skip a beat, she didn't forget her status as his slave, but this made her very happy.

Still seeing a lot of other students pass through the hallway, she got a bit shy and in the end, only kissed Jake on the cheek.

Everyone who saw it felt a sting in their heart, realizing this beautiful first-year girl, was now officially taken, and by the smile on her face, she was very much in love.

On the other end of the hallway stood an equally pretty first-year girl, having some bigger curves than Stefanie though.

She looked at the cute girl acting in love with a frown on her face. Turning her glare at Jake she felt even angrier. This guy was a pervert and made fun of her in PE class, yet now had such a loving expression on his face while with this girl.

She didn't know why, but it made her angry. Not wanting to look at it more she turned around, making her beautiful light blond hair wave in the air, as she walked away. Her nice ass swaying from side to side.

Jake smiled looking at the fleeting figure of one of his targets. He would definitely make this cold and angry beauty fall for him and make her a sex-addicted lewd girl. He couldn't wait to look at her beautiful face riding him cowgirl style, her tits jiggling everywhere

Stefanie noticed Jake wasn't looking at him and pouted, still she didn't want to dissatisfy him, so she kept quiet. Then suddenly both of them heard a strong beautiful voice.

"Hi Stefanie, care to introduce me to this guy?"

Stefanie's back shivered knowing who it was and she slowly turned around.