Naughty time with Diana

Jake walked towards the beauty and as he arrived in front of her he said: "Hi Diana," with a smile on his face.

Diana's blush got even redder, seeing Jake's handsome smile. She had long since accepted her desire for this guy, but she still resolved herself not to do anything with him.

After all not only was he a client in the gym, but the age difference was also nine years, along with the fact Jake was still a minor.

"H-hi Jake, how are you?" Diana sat feeling her body heat up as usual, while she was in Jake's presence.

"I'm fine, how was your weekend?" Jake asked.

Diana blushed even more remembering her weekend. Her body's lust was shooting through the roof lately, which caused her to masturbate a crazy amount of times.

Having sex with somebody never even crossed her mind, as his hands kept pleasuring her pussy and breasts.

"I-it was fine, nothing special."

Jake chuckled knowing the lust in her would definitely cause her to masturbate a whole lot. But he wouldn't let her suffer much longer.

Soon Diana wouldn't need her own hands anymore, as she would have Jake's thick long dick to pound her pussy.

Both got quiet for a bit, after which Diana embarrassed said: "All right then let's start the session for today, warm-up a bit before we'll head to do some exercises with weights."

Jake naturally went along with Diana's plan and did some light running and warm-up exercises before going into a room with a lot of weights and other apparatus.

As usual while Jake did his exercises he made sure to do them just a bit wrong, so Diana would have to correct him and show him how which would, in turn, show Jake some nice images of her sexy body.

But it didn't end there, Diana also while helping Jake do his exercises tried to rub some parts of her body against him, naturally being as discreet as possible, not wanting to be found out.

Especially when her breasts went over his back or touched his arms, with the excuse of helping him correct his position, was when Diana's body felt amazing.

And as their session continued, her body got hotter and hotter. Her pussy was super wet, while her nipples got stiff.

As usual, by the end of the session, she was holding out as well as she could. The reason why this boy induced so much lust in her was unknown, but the fact was she wanted him to ravish her. Only a thin shred of resistance was keeping her from pouncing on him.

Just like Jake, she was sweating a lot by the end of the session, not that much from exercise though. Jake laughed inside himself, seeing the appearance of this beauty, holding back with all she could.

He was a bit surprised as well, after all, she still kept up the resistance to not go down on him, which he found respectable. The other women all soon lost control over their urges and did it a lot with him.

But Diana kept up even now at the end of the session, she parted from Jake with a big yet forced smile. After all, she wanted to go to her private office as fast as possible, to relieve herself.

Usually, Jake would just change and head home, but today he didn't instead he made his way towards her office as well and knocked on the closed door. Seeing her hold back so much made Jake decide to make some changes.

It wasn't healthy to hold back so long, so he would nudge her in the right direction. A life of pleasure and lust.

It hadn't been long since Diana appeared inside it, so she shouldn't have started yet.

Meanwhile, Diana was ready to lose her tight pants and lift her shirt and sports bra to start masturbating when suddenly she heard a knock on the door.

She made her way towards the door and opened it. Seeing the guy on the other side, she panicked a bit, after all, she was about to masturbate to him.

"Hi Diana can we talk about something, I wanted to ask just now, but you ran off so quick."

Diana blushed hearing Jake say this, but still said: "O-of course come in," she had held out so long already, a few more minutes wouldn't matter.

Jake entered after Diana and sat down on the seat on the other side of the desk. Diana sat down on her own seat as well, her legs squirming against each other to resist her lust.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Jake said: "All right I'll just immediately say it, is it normal for you to touch me so sexually?"

"Eeh?" Diana's face warped in surprise, hearing Jake say this so casually, but after all, it wasn't untrue.

"T-that I-"

"Do you touch others like that as well?"

Upon hearing this Diana immediately said: "Of course not," there was no way she would touch someone else than Jake like that.

Jake smiled and said: "I see, I see, so does that mean you like me?"

"Eeh, w-what?" Diana said stuttering.

She tried to collect her thoughts and said: "I'm very sorry if I displeased you and I understand if you wanna switch gyms."

Even though Diana was screaming inside for Jake not to leave, she also thought that as long as he did, her unusual sexual urges would disappear as well. Still inwardly she didn't seem happy with Jake leaving at all.

Jake stood up from his chair, which made Diana think he would leave, so she lowered her head thinking she never would see him again.

Instead of hearing a door open and close, she felt two strong hands on her shoulders, causing a shiver to go through her entire body.

Looking upwards she sat Jake standing behind her with a big smile.

"Displeased? I'm all but displeased. It's amazing to have a sexy woman like you like me and to feel your amazing body scrape against me," Jake said massaging her shoulders, causing waves of pleasure to go through her body.

Diana was unable to reply to Jake's words as she enjoyed his hands touching her body.


After a few times, suddenly Jake heard Diana moan softly. A moan which was uttered with pleasure and horniness.

Naturally, Diana got beat red and bent her head down, not able to look at Jake at all, her heart beating like crazy.

She felt Jake's hand stop massaging her shoulders, which made her feel a bit sad, but upon feeling the next thing she truly lost control over herself.

"Your super sexy, Diana," Jake said in her ear, following to like her earlobe.

"Aaahn, n-noo, don't," Diana said moaning.

And even though she asked him to stop, her body didn't look like it wanted to stop at all.

"I don't want to," Jake said continuing to lick her sexy neck.

"N-no, wait please we can't," Diana said while reveling in pleasure.

"Of course we can, and you want it too. Here let me show you."

Then from standing behind Diana's chair, Jake's greedy hands made their way towards her breasts, which weren't big neither small. No, they fitted right into his hands.

"Eeeeehhhh!!" Diana moaned while she came a little.

Just from Jake grabbing her tits, she came while moaning.

Jake chuckled, "Luckily the walls are thick otherwise everyone would've heard you."

Diana's red face blushed even more in shame, from being told this by a teenager.

Meanwhile, Jake's hands hadn't stopped groping her chest, and Diana hadn't stopped moaning.

"As I said, you most surely like it as well, after all, didn't you just came a little?"

Diana's head bent further down, not being able to face this teenager who was having his way with her breasts.

"Oh no reply then let me check myself," Jake said, while one of his hands skillfully darted inside her pants, entering her panties as well, he immediately felt her hot and soaking wet pussy. He even slipped one finger inside her tight hole.

"Nyaahh," Diana moaned while closing her legs, but it was already too late for her, Jake was fingering her pussy and she couldn't stop moaning.

Her legs didn't close for long, after all, she was losing herself to pleasure. Opening her legs again, gave Jake some more freedom and he started to fully finger her pussy, while he still groped one of her breasts over her clothes.

Diana couldn't do anything to stop this teenager from playing with her burning body, she could only surrender herself to him and moan in pleasure.

Diana was in heaven feeling Jake's skillful finger terrorize her pussy. It was like he immediately knew all of her most sensitive places, before focusing on those areas.

Diana wasn't Jake's personal trainer at this moment, no she was a lewd woman enjoying a handsome man doing naughty things to her.

Telling herself it was all right now Diana began to truly enjoy Jake's groping and fingering, surrendering her body to him completely.

Then suddenly as quick as Jake's hands began groping her breasts and as quick as his finger slit inside her pussy, they left as well.

Diana looked up at the lightly smiling face of Jake, with a wronged expression, after all, she was almost reaching a big climax.