An unknown story

"The way I came to this path is a story that is.. often forgotten. From whence I had originally many surrounding me, it is now just myself.

I was young and full of ambition. I wanted to make the most of my life for what I was given, and being an orphan, I wasn't given much.

I stepped outside to the stench of blood one morning day.. Everyone I knew was dead.

The only thing standing admist the piles of dead bodies was one skeleton.. a standing fucking skeleton. Blue bones to top it off.

I could feel a sinister energy emanating from within the empty eye sockets of the being who had just destroyed MY entire world.

It felt like the skeleton knew what he did.. but he felt sorrow. Not for his actions but sorrow for HIMSELF.

Since that moment I knew what path I needed to take. So I left that small town. I gathered allies, I practiced, I learned, I grew.. but I never felt it was enough.