First day

"Come on, wake up you're going to make us late! It's our first day, we can not do this!" Adelaide peeled her eyes open and glanced at the clock, 7:30 am!

She jumped out of bed and ran to her closet, "I am up!" She yelled down the hall way to her brother and sister who were not so patiently waiting in the kitchen. She threw on her dark green sweat shirt and ripped jeans, and ran to the bathroom where she quickly ran a brush through her hair which was a tangled mess.

"No time for make up today I guess, sorry Eastwood High" she mumbled to herself as she looked into her bathroom mirror. She threw her beautiful long golden locks into a cute high ponytail and brushed her teeth. "Adelaide, seriously come on! We have 5 minutes! You have got to start waking up on time" my brother complained as he marched down the hallway to where His sister was rushing to get ready.

This will be their first day at their new school, they had to move states for their mothers new job. Thankfully, Adelaide hated her old school, rumors and fake friends had made her life a living hell. She is ready for a new life and a fresh start as far away from Pine View and Florida for that matter, as she can get, Texas was a good enough distance for her. "I'm sorry, I'm coming." She checked myself one more time in the mirror, even on her lazy days her beauty is radiant, her eyes a deep green, and her long blonde hair cascades down into beautiful loose curls. She is a senior with two sibling, Charles, her twin brother, is always very prompt unlike his sister who is always running late, he has sharp blue eyes and jet black hair. He is on the baseball, football, and basketball team. Madison, her younger sister has jet black hair, like their brother and brown eyes. She is in the band, and plays the flute beautifully.

"Dude, come on" Charles begged. "Okay, okay I'm ready let's go!" They ran out of the house with their bags in tow. Adelaide looked over at her sister, "Hey, is that my jacket?" Madison shrugged her shoulders, "it's not like you're wearing it." Adelaide rolled her eyes and huffed, "whatever, just don't lose it and don't get it dirty." They all piled in and rushed to school.

By the grace of God they made it on time, and in one piece with Charles driving like a bat out of hell to get them to school on time. The first bell rang and raced to their classes.

Adelaide made it just in time for Algebra. She scanned the room for an empty seat, hopefully one in the back. She hates being in the front. She found one in the back and sat down.

"Good morning class. I'm glad to see you all here, bright eyed and bushy tailed. I see we have a new student! Adelaide Smith, would you please stand and tell us a little bit about yourself?" She took a deep breath and stood up from her chair, "hello everyone. My name is Adelaide Smith, as you heard. I am from Florida. I was on the cheerleading squad and volleyball team at my old school."

"Ah, well Ms Adelaide we have an exceptional cheerleading and volleyball team here, I'm sure we could get you in! Welcome to Eastwood!" Mr Sutton cheered. "Yes, welcome to Eastwood new girl. Now, get out of my seat" A deep annoyed voice came from behind her. Adelaide turned around to see a guy who stood a little taller than her, he was very handsome his hair dirty blonde, he smelled strongly of cologne.

"Sorry, I didn't see that anyone was sitting here." She grabbed her things and started to move but he put his muscular arm out to block from walking by. "The name is Michael, I'll show you around the campus. Show me your schedule." Before she could move or speak, he grabbed the paper from her hands and looked it over. "We have the next class together, Mrs Stanley, walk with me there." he handed her back her paper, pushed past her into his seat. "Okay then." Adelaide said as she moved to the empty seat in the front of the class.

She had a weird feeling about Michael. He's so pushy, and kind of intimidating, but also so handsome. His dark eyes made Adelaides heart flutter. She tried to brush it off and focus on algebra, which was her worst subject anyways.

Finally, class ended. Adelaide gathered all of her stuff together and neatly tucked it all away into her back pack quietly humming to herself. "Alright new girl, let's go." Michael was standing over her desk, and made Adelaide jump. How long has he been standing there? "Jesus, you scared me!" Adelaide snapped half jokingly, "sorry." He sarcastically apologized. She stood up from her desk and started towards the door.

Michael walked quickly and swiftly down the hall way, it was almost difficult to keep up with his pace. "Adelaide" she said. "What?"

"Adelaide, that is my name." Michael kept walking as though he didn't hear her. She rolled her eyes and kept walking alongside of him in silence. "Michael, wait up!" A male voice yelled down the hall way. Michael stopped and turned around, a guy the same height as Michael and equally as attractive ran down the hall way towards us. This school is getting better and better. Everyone here is so attractive. "What's up man?" He came in with a high five and shoulder bump, he turned his attention to Adelaide flashing his perfectly white teeth in a nice smile "Hi, I'm Jason. Nice to meet you." Jason extended his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you Jason, my name is Adelaide, but everyone just calls me Addy." "Alright Addy, it's nice to meet you. Where are you from?" "My family just moved here from Florida last week." "Well, I hope you enjoy your time here. If you ever need anything feel free to ask me!" he said and held eye contact for what felt like forever, finally he turned to Michael, "well I've got to get to class. See you later." He turned and walked off. "He seemed nice." She said cheerfully to Michael, "yeah he is alright. Let's go, we are going to be late" He turned and walked down the hall.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, the people are very welcoming and kind. She couldn't stop thinking about Michael, something about him draws her in. Adelaide made her way to the parking lot, and was suddenly stopped by a short red haired girl she hadn't met yet. "Hey, you! New girl, I am warning stay away from Michael. He is MINE." She sneered and whipped away to join a group of girls who gazes followed her as she met up with her siblings and got into her brothers truck. Adelaide met their glares and whipped around into the truck to go home. "What was all that about?" Charles asked, "I don't know. Don't worry about it, it not a problem." Adelaide eased her brothers concern and they left.

Adelaide laid her things down at the kitchen table and tried to focus on her homework, but all she could think about was Michael and the girl who approached her. Maybe conversation with her siblings would clear her mind, "Charles, Madison. What do you guys think?" "Of what?" Madison sighed, distracted by her homework. "The new school!" She tried to sound cheerful, "it's alright, I met a girl named Whitney. She will be over soon, we were assigned a group project together" Madison sounded excited. "Great!" They sat in silence. Adelaide finished her homework rather quickly. "Done! I'm going for a run around the neighborhood." "Have fun." Charles mumbled as he struggled to finish his.

Maybe a jog is just what she needs to clear her mind from Michael, and whoever that girl was. All he did was show her where her class was. He wasn't even that friendly anyway. Adelaide quickly changed from her school clothes to her yoga pants and sports bra and headed down the hall towards the door. Through the glass she noticed familiar red hair, she opened the door and there she was. That same fiery red head who stopped her in the parking lot.