Chapter 25

I only barely manage to bring up enough magic to deflect the next attack.

With this many mages trying to draw from the same well of energy it's hard to gather enough to do anything.

Even with my anger and fear at the forefront strengthening my ability to draw it in it just isn't adequate.

It doesn't help that the mid-levels I'm going up against have a stronger connection than I do.

If this keeps up there won't be any magic for me to access.

No matter how many mages we take out more just seem to take their place.

At this rate we're going to be overrun.

Eri's throwing every mage that can be spared at us.

I glance at Kent but he's too absorbed in his deadly dance to notice.

He doesn't even seem to feel the nasty cut across his abdomen or the burn on his left shoulder.

He's too far away for Adrian to heal and there's no way I'm letting the kid get any closer to the enemy mages than necessary.

Still, I can't help but worry.

If Kent falls in battle…

I'm not sure I'll be enough to draw Eri's gaze.

A Void is just as attention-claiming to a telepath as they are to empaths.

The only difference is that while they can hide their emotions from an empath they have no such shield against a telepath.

Kent's carefully controlled thoughts keep most of his secrets safe but it also makes him an irresistible challenge to telepaths.

Just like father was.

That's why Helena chose him for team distraction, no doubt.

As far as I can tell she gave me the necklace so Eri wouldn't realise there was a mage in said team.

Still, time's running out.

We can't keep this up forever.


I extend my awareness to try and locate him via his emotions.

I'm almost brought to my knees by the emotions flooding into me.

Too much…

I use them to strengthen my magic but I know I won't be able to stand it for much longer so I focus on sifting through them for something specific.

As far as I can remember he's always had very distinct and strong feelings so it doesn't take long to lock onto him.

Once I do I collapse my field of awareness back to it's normal radius.

He isn't even halfway to the throne room yet.

He's being cautious and that's good but…

I push Adrian to the ground as a spear flies past.

He needs to hurry.