"I am in no mood for formalities today. It is the weekend. Did you bring the contract that I had you draft up?" Leo asked him. I heard papers rustling then Leo spoke again. "Hannah please come here and read the contract for your employment."

I stood and walked over to Leo's side. He held up the packet of paper to me. I started reading it as Leo and Robert started to talk about what just happened. I was on the third page when Leo asked me a question.

"Hannah, what do you think we should do with Ms. Keys?" Leo asked me.

I looked up at him and Robert who were looking at me. "Well Leo it is not my company so you may do with your employees as you with."

"What page are you on?" Leo asked me.

"Page three." I replied as I showed him the page I was currently on.

Leo smiled as Robert slightly laughed, "Well if you owned the company, what would you do?"

"I could only dream to own it. But if we are speaking in terms of 'ifs', I would honestly suspend her for two weeks without pay. I would also cut her pay because she undermined your authority here in the company in front of everyone. If she has any prior marks on her record here then I would fire her on the spot. But I do not own the company so…." I said as I continued to read the contract.

"What page are you on now?" Leo asked me.

"I just started page four. So far, everything has been really boring and what I would expect from the job." I said as I sat down in the chair next to Robert.

"If you don't' mind me asking, I mean this in no offense..."Robert started but I cut him off since I was wondering how long it would take him to ask about my credentials and age.

"I will be graduating with my PHD at the end of the year. I am eighteen. So that makes me a genius. I would prefer if you just googled me instead of asking with no offense in the same sentence because if you really meant no offense, then you wouldn't have asked." I said as I looked at him in the end. He looked taken back from my words. Leo stared at us as if he was watching his favorite comedy. "Mr. Hayes, do you have a habit of hiring unqualified and underage employees for Leo?" I asked the man.

"No I do not. I would never do such a thing. What makes you think that?" Robert asked defensively.