Leo didn't' get out as I said who my father was. He looked at me as if he finally understood everything. "You're the Tae Anna. As in the Tae Anna that T.A. Shipping is named after. The T.A. Shipping that my father bought years ago."

"Yep." I said quietly.

"I fucking hate your father. He is a pain in the ass to deal with." Leo said making me smile.

"Ya. If you don't mind, can we please go inside? I need to get to school on time." I said as I opened the door since I no longer wanted to talk about my father.

Leo followed me inside. I seen that a different receptionist was working today. She nodded and smiled at us as we walked past her. Leo placed his hand on my lower back as we entered the elevators. We arrived at the top floor and walked to a conference room. Leo's hand was still on my back as we entered. I

When we walked to the front of the room, he leaned down and whispered, "Remember, you own more of this company than any of these stuck up snobs. So do not take any shit from them. You can do or say whatever you please. I promise I will not stop you unless it will make the company fall to the ground."

I laughed at what he said but I covered it up. I took a seat at one of the empty chairs at one end of the table as Leo stood at the other staring at me. Once I was sitting, a vanilla tea was placed in front of me. I looked at Leo and he just winked at me. The idle chatter around the room full of middle aged men and women stopped when Leo cleared his throat.

"Good morning everyone. I hope everyone has seen the news this morning." Leo said as he took a seat.

"You cannot just give shares to anyone without the majority shareholders consent." I woman in her late forties declared.

I laughed at her outburst which brought her attention to me.

"Who might you be? This a meeting for the board members not a hang out spot." the woman asked with a major attitude which made my smile drop.

"I should be asking you that. Who are you?" I asked as I stood up and placed my hands on the table, leaning on them.

"Martha Newman. My husband holds 11% of the shares of Ward ArchEngineering. He holds more shares than everyone but Leo and whoever this Hannah might be." she said as she glared at me.