I could feel my face turn red as I buried my head in his chest from embarrassment. Leo chuckled at me as he pulled away from me. He continued to chuckle as he walked back to his desk. I stood mortified as I covered my face with my hands as I took a few deep breaths.

"Oh my god. Finally!" Leo's assistant said with an exasperated tone.

I lowered my hands as I looked at the man very confused. I put my bag on the couch as I looked at the two waiting for someone to explain. Luckily I didn't wait for long.

"Hi. I am Zack. Mr. Ward's assistant." he introduced himself to me as he stuck out his hand. I took it as he said, "Mr. Ward has not shut up about your talents. I am glad to see that now he has a reason to not be at work all the time allowing me to go home early."

I laughed at how relieved Zack looked. Leo just shook his head with a laugh as he said, "You know you can go home when the work day ends. You do not need to stay here when I am here."

"Ahh but what kind of an assistant would I be if I didn't? Besides what would you do without me?" Zack asked Leo with a hand on his hip and a little bit of sass.

Leo laughed at him as he said, "Why are you here Zack?"

Zack turned to me as he said, "The candidates that Mr. Ward had me choose for you are here. Do you want me to send them in here since your office is not ready?"

I smiled as I said, "Oh no it is perfectly fine. I can talk to them as I decorate." I walked to the door as Leo made the glass transparent again. I turned to Zack as I held open the door I said, "Please send over the first one. I will get started right away."

With that said, I walked out the door and into my office. I could see everything sitting on, against, and under my furniture in my room. I smiled as I seen that the desk was placed in the same place as Leo's. I turned and looked at Leo. I smiled as I seen that he was already back to work. I quickly cleared a spot on my desk for the folders that were waiting on my assistant's desk outside of my office.

As I opened my door to grab them, Zack greeted me. He was followed by a tall blonde woman. I ask the woman to wait for me inside of my office while I got the basics about her from Zack.