"Yes. Welcome to being the assistant for Hannah Marie, the second most majority shareholder for Ward Corporation and the head of the engineering team at Ward ArchEngineering. Now you need to sign the top forum before I can continue with anything else. We value our privacy and loyalty in the company. Since you will be dealing with many high value clients, and Leo, while working for me, it is needed." I said as I handed her the paper work and a pen.

She quickly read the nondisclosure and signed it. She handed it back to me as I turned the glass opaque. "Ok to start, that other paper work you and fill out tonight since the work day is almost over. Zack will be training you in the basics of being my assistant since I will be working with Leo a lot you will be working with him. First off, your work hours are from noon to five o'clock. If you choose to stay here while I am here, you are welcome to and you will get paid for those hours. The only days that I require you to work in the mornings are when I have a share holder meeting. There will be times when I ask you to do or get me things before work and while you are doing that you will be paid. Tomorrow you will have a company phone and card waiting for you with Zack. Please come in at eight for training. For the next week you will practically become Zack's shadow since, like I said before, I will be working with Leo a lot.

The test just now was to see how well you follow my commands and if you can still do as asked when in the presence of powerful people. Now what I am about to say cannot go anywhere out of this room. Leo knows and so does Zack. But still no uttering this to anyone or else it will result in immediate termination and a law suit. Do you understand all this so far?" I said in a gentle tone so that I don't scare her. She nodded her head to my question so I continued, "I am Hannah Marie as of March tenth. My name used to be Tae Park. I hold forty percent of the shares to T.A. Shipping. Do you know what that is?"

"A major shipping company bought by James Ward years ago. The major share holder is the CEO's daughter who hasn't been seen in years. My father used to work in the London branch." she said as if she had just seen a ghost.

"Good. So you know then that no one can know where I am or who I am. If you receive any calls from Kaiden Park, my father, alert Leo, the head of security, and me right away. Under no circumstance is that man supposed to talk to me. I will give you a file regarding why tomorrow. That is my number one rule that must not be broken, no matter what."