"Um ya. There is a strange guy in your house." I say as I continued the staring contest with the man.

"What does he look like?" he asked with a sigh as if he really didn't want to know.

"Um tall. Gorgeous. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Tattoos on his arms." I said as I looked the man over I could hear Leo sigh on the other end of the phone as the dots connected.

It took Leo a minuet to respond but I heard him entering his car right before he said, "I'll be home in a few minuets. Go wait in my room. I promise that he won't bother you."

"Ok. I will see you then." I said then Leo hung up the phone.

I followed his instructions and went up to his room. I walked inside and closed the door. The strange man followed me up the stairs but he stopped at the top when he seen me walk into Leo's room.

I looked around at Leo's room since this was the first time I had ever seen in it. His room was located in a portion of the house that was nestled inside of the trees so you wouldn't be able to see inside of it if you were outside, unless you were in the forest. I walked further into the room as I gawked at it. He wasn't joking when he said that I would like his room more than Jesse's.

The room was around fifty feet long and forty feet wide. Three of his walls were windows. The one solid wall was painted a brilliant darker blue with white trim. The doors that I walked in were offset to the right side of the room (when looking at the wall).

A few feet from the french doors to the left, was anther door that was slightly ajar. I could see a little bit of a massive bathroom. That was decorated in a dark lava stone with plants all over.

To the right of the french doors, his massive black bed sat evenly between the french doors and another door that was open that was placed right next to the wall of windows. I could see multiple suits ranging in color from shades of blue, gray, and black. I turned again as I looked up at the beautifully carved ceiling made out of the same stone as the bathroom. I looked down at the floor to see the same type of stone.

I walked over to the furthest wall of windows and sat down in one of the couches. This was split in two by a massive stone fireplace. The stone was very colorful but still on the darker side so that it didn't contrast from the room too much. But the fireplace was the center of the whole room.