I woke up to the sun shinning in my eyes. I groan as I pull the covers over my head and snuggle closer to the warm, rock hard body. I ignore the screaming thoughts telling me that I should get up and take a few more minuets to soak in the cuddles. Truth be told I have never cuddled with anyone till now.

Oh shit… I've never cuddled anyone. With that last thought, I sit straight up as I look around taking in my surroundings as the sleep fully leaves my body. As I look back at who it was I was cuddling, I conceal myself in the covers as I groan. Leo just started laughing at me.

"Nope. Not today. I am not coming out of these covers today." I announce as I curl further into the covers. I earned another round of laughs from Leo.

He pulled the covers down so that just my face was exposed as he whispers, "Well I hate to say this but you have already missed school and we have a board meeting to finish up today."

"I missed school?!" I ask with a shout as I fling the covers off of me.

"Yes but don't worry I called in and got you excused so you don't have to worry about it going on your record." Leo said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What time is it?" I ask as I look around for my phone.

"Twelve-thirty." Louis says as he walks into Leo's room carrying a stack of my clothes. I frown as I see that he picked out matching lace under garments for me and they stood on top of the pile. "Here is the outfit you asked me to pick out for lunch." he said as he looked at Leo and placed them on his bed but I quickly snatched them as I hopped off the bed. I could hear Leo and Louis laughing at me as I enter the bathroom and close the door.

I take a quick shower and pull on the under garments. I had to admit that Louis had good taste in that at least. It was then that I noticed I didn't have the rest of the outfit. I looked around as I noticed that my other clothes were missing as well. I groan as I continue to do my hair with everything that I would need to give it big wavy curls.

Then I moved onto my makeup. I did a smokey eye, which could go with any color, with a dark red matte lips. With a huff, I walk out of the bathroom and into the bedroom that was occupied with two laughing men. I didn't look at them as I walked towards the bed. I picked up the dress and held it up as I looked at them finally. They both had their mouths wide open as if they are looking at the greatest thing in the universe.