I laughed at the two who were in their own world. Louis's head snapped towards me as he stood up with the little girl in tow. She stood by his side and held his hand as she stared at me. Louis just fumbled with what he was going to say for a few minuets until he finally introduced me and the little girl.

"Hannah, this is my daughter Annabelle." he said to me then dropped down to Annabelle's height as he told her, "Annabelle, this is uncle Leo's girlfriend Hannah."

I smiled at the girl as I squatted down to be at her height. I held out my hand as I said, "Hi, Annabelle. It is nice to meet you."

She took my hand in hers and smiled at me Then she looked at her dad and said, "She is pretty daddy."

Louis laughs at her as she drops my hand and goes over to the dresses hanging in the far corner. She tugs on a yellow dress and says, "Daddy I want her try on this one."

I stand up as Louis agrees and asks one of the ladies who work at the store to take it into the changing room before he turns to me and I could tell what he was about to ask me but I know that Leo didn't tell him that he told me truth regarding the little girl. So all he says is, "Sorry I had to bring her. The babysitter called in sick."

I put my hand on his arm as I say, "It's totally fine. I like kids." He just gives me a small smile as the question I know he is dying to ask is still shinning in his eyes. "Leo told me last night about everything surround her birth." I whisper to him.

I instantly see relief flood through his eyes for a few second before I see panic rise in them as he says, "Annabelle is innocent in all of that. Please don't hurt her or..."

I cut him as I cover his mouth and say, "Louis, I would never dare to hurt an innocent girl who was born from an evil woman."

I release him as I walk into the room as Annabelle pulls me towards it, eager to get me to put on the dress. So I comply with her wishes as she shuts me in the room.


I messaged Louis to let him know to send me a picture of every dress she tries on. He was quick to let me know that he would except fro the one she is gonna wear, which I was ok with.

Right as I got confirmation that Hannah arrived at the dress shop, I got a message from my sister. Apparently, Kaiden got out of jail and they lost his tracks. They are sure that he is working alone. She let me know that the last place he was seen was in Montana, headed our way. Her and Sandra will be arriving tomorrow night to help with the search fro him here.

I knew that they weren't gonna make it here in time so I decided to alert security to keep an extra eye on Hannah.

To my surprise, Hannah called me at that moment. My breath was instantly taken away when I seen her. I knew that I had to stay as close to her as possible so I discretely made my way over to her.