Once we made it back to my house, I blind folded Hannah's eyes and lead her inside. In front of the stair case, my sister stood waiting with Sandra.

"I know where we are. So why am I blind folded? DO you have a surprise for me?" she asked excitedly.

Isadora beat me to uncovering her eyes and engulfing her in a hug. Hannah hugged her back just as tight and looked at me with tears in her eyes. Once the hug was done, I decided to clear up any confusion.

"Hannah, meet my older sister Isadora and her fiance, now, Sandra." I say with a massive smile.

I watched as she got confused then angry then happy within the span of a few minuets. I was surprised when she said, "It all makes sense now as to why you weren't very surprised to know who my father was."

"Guilty." Isadora said, "But I can promise you, he has been obsessed with you for a long time."

"What do you mean?" Hannah asked her, "How do you know?"

I was the one to interject their conversation as I said, "Tomorrow. Tonight, I just want to hold you in my arms after all that happened."

She nodded in agreement and walked up the stairs with me.

Once I got her in my room I did the one thing I've been fantasizing about since Isadora sent me her file and I seen her that afternoon.