The Egg


   Wardell walked past me after placing a huge plate of breakfast in front of me. "You need to eat."

   I watched him walk by me again and sigh a little lost, staring into space. For the past few days I haven't eaten much. The news from the pregnancy tests left a bad taste in my mouth and an unusual one in Wardell's. He's been trying to contain his anger and I've been trying to hide my how content I was for his sake.

"Would you please just eat?" He finally took a seat in front of me as his eyes shifted toward me.

"I-I'm not hungry right now." I bit my lip and turned away from the delicious looking meal he prepared for me.

"Minah you haven't eaten since yesterday." He grunted annoyed with me. Just then my belly grumbled loudly in response.

"....see," he gestured toward my stomach.

   I glared at Wardell while he finished the plate of food in front of him. Ever since he realized I truly wasn't pregnant he'd been so on edge. Nothing I did could fix his bad mood and I didn't understand what could be causing him to act in such a way. He'd been so distant with me and even with Sydel. I wasn't used to him like this. Even Sydel tried to get him to speak on how he'd been feeling lately and it's almost as if we were trying to speak to a brick wall.

"I just don't understand why you've been so upset lately. Baby, Can we just talk?" I stuttered almost immediately.

Wardell paused for a moment and stared at me with a ruthless face. "There's nothing to talk about."

  My eyes widened at his tone with me. He'd been so edgy this past two weeks. With everything going on with Ayesha and his new son, I didn't know how to handle his sudden jolt of emotions from time to time. Wardell kept his harsh gaze on me and I looked away. It felt like the girls and I were walking on eggshells around him.

"A-Are you sure Wardell?" I sniffled hard feeling my eyes burn from the tears I kept trying to hold back. He gave me no answer so I stood up ready to disappear into the basement where I tried to hide from him since he started being moody.

"A-Aminah..." he sighed and watched me scurry into the basement.

    Ayesha and her newborn were coming over later and I really didn't want to be apart of the family time they were bound to have. Riley and Ryan were so excited to hear that they were having a baby brother. It felt like now that everything was changing I didn't know how I fit in anymore. It didn't take long for me to wrap myself up in my Snuggie. My legs were stretched out on my old couch from my old house.

After a couple of minutes Wardell followed me downstairs with the same plate of food he tried to give me. He had this awkward smile on his face while he took a seat next to me. "I don't care if you're mad at me, just eat something. Please." He slowly leaned in, in attempt to leave a kiss on my forehead but I pulled away.

"I don't even know why I tried." He scoffed loudly. The sound of His heavy stomping up the stairs eventually covered the sounds of my soft crying. I can't help him if he won't let me.

A couple hours later.....,

The doorbell rang loudly throughout the house. My hot water had just finished boiling on the stove and my decent mood had gone to shit when hearing the bell. Riley and Ryan raced down the stairs toward me while Wardell kept his eyes on the TV in the living room. One of us would have to open the door eventually.

Riley pouted at me and Ryan tugged unto my dress. Wardell turned around and glared at me annoyed. He seemed a bit nervous but I shouldn't be concerned since he wants to be an ass all the time. Riley followed behind me while I opened the door. Ayesha stood on the other side with a carrier in hand and a sleeping baby inside. My heart dropped seeing the little human lay there and a menacing smile on her face.

"So are you going to let me in or not?" She smirked at me gesturing to the lobby that Riley and Ryan stood excitedly in.

I watched Wardell's ex wife saunter in our home like she had some kind of power over us. As soon as Ayesha set the car seat down on the ground the girls crowded around the sleeping baby excitedly. Ayesha smirked at the sight before her and Wardell stared nervously from afar. His gaze was on me more then it was on the baby and that damn bitch.

"A-Ayesha bring him over here." He awkwardly called out to her and I could feel my emotions rushing to my face.

Tears immediately fell from my eyes and I could tell Wardell saw them before I could turn around fast enough.

"Oh, are you too good to spend some time with your new step-son?" She cackled as I held in my tears and chuckled along with her.

"I just think this is between you and Wardell." My throat burned holding in my emotions as hard as I could.

As soon as Ayesha walked into the living room I rushed up the stairs to Wardell and I's room. The handle of the door was cold as I shut and locked it quickly. I didn't know why I was crying but I knew it also wasn't of jealousy. I was hurt but I didn't know why. Maybe there was a little part of me that did want to be pregnant. Seeing her with that baby and the girls' faces lighting up so quickly made me feel like shit for being relieved.

My back slammed against the wall and I slid down against it feeling safe to let my emotions go. The tears streamed down my face quickly and I kept wiping them away, yet they kept coming. My throat hurt the more I tried to hold back and every time I'd cough hard. It didn't help that Wardell was walking around treating me like shit. I sighed and wiped my final tear. It isn't like me to cry over a man.

I knew that after that good cry I let out, I'd look a little disheveled. It'd been almost an hour and a half since Ayesha got here and she's most likely spending the day here so I might as well go meet the newest little Curry. When I looked in the mirror my face was a little puffy and my nose was red. There's nothing I could really do to hide that I was crying. It hurt my pride that Ayesha had this small win over me.

I sighed and cupped my face while I stared into the mirror creating fake smiles and laughs. I could just fake all of this through for a while until she leaves. My heart hurt even more knowing I had to hide my feelings because it's almost as if Wardell didn't care about them anymore. It took me another couple of minutes to sit there and wait for a bit of the redness to leave my face.

After a while, I was ready to leave the room and go sit in the living room with everyone else. It'd be the girl's snack time in a little bit and I didn't want to leave them hungry. As soon as my feet touched the bottom of the stairs I could feel someone's eyes on me. So much as a word didn't leave my mouth as I passed by everyone in the living room to get their snacks ready in the kitchen.

The sink squeaked as I washed the dishes in the sink and dried them before placing them in the cabinets. Riley's voice could be heard cooing at the baby and it warmed my heart. For some reason I started imagining how I'd be with my own newborn. Those small thoughts quickly left my head when Wardell came into the kitchen. He had the baby's bottle of milk in his hand and my whole body tensed up. I didn't want him to know I was crying. It'd just be another thing to hold against me in an argument later on.

"H-hey, are you okay?" He worriedly cupped my face and I pulled away quickly.

"I'm fine." I looked away and took a couple steps back.

"You just left me down here with her crazy ass. You never do that, are you sure you're okay?" He chuckled trying to get a smile out of me.

A smile never appeared on my face. Wardell unexpectedly tilted my head up towards his and held it in place with his hands. I grabbed his wrists and tried to pull away but he's obviously stronger then me. He stared me right in my eyes and I looked away too embarrassed to say anything.

"Your eyes and your lips, they're puffy and your nose is red. You've been crying. Why were you crying?" He slowly put his hands down and cornered me against the wall.

"I wasn't crying Wardell. I'm fine, just go. I have to finish making the girls something to eat." I lied straight through my teeth and put my hand on his chest in attempt to push him out the way.

"You can't lie to me Aminah..., baby what's wrong?" My ears perked up hearing him call me by my nickname after such a long time of not hearing it.

Before I could get any words out Ayesha's voice boomed from the entrance of the kitchen. "Steph, could you hurry up with the bottle?"

He quickly turned around and I pulled my hand away from his chest. "Yeah... I-I'll warm it up now. Give me a sec." He waited for Ayesha to leave us alone again and stared at me intensely.

"I mean it, it's nothing." I looked down again holding in tears as he warmed up the bottle. The microwave beeped loudly and he snatched the bottle out of it and slammed it closed.

"Fine. Don't fucking tell me then." He stormed out clearly hurt by my silence. How could I tell him anything if he was going to keep up this act. This is what I didn't want, a relationship that's slowly becoming identical to what Rupert and I had.

My shoulders fell and I started crying all over again. Every time I wiped another tear I felt the urge to just go downstairs and wait her visit out. I finished the girls' sandwiches and places them on the counter along with their juice boxes and some fruits. Wardell caught me off guard again, walking into the kitchen while I was wiping my tears away with my sweater sleeve. He froze along with me and I looked away from his gaze again.

"Could you bring that to the girls? It's just a little something to fill their stomachs until dinner." I shrugged while sniffling. It was too embarrassing that he was standing there and watching me cry.

"Aminah..." he rushed over to me and I shook my head while holding up my hands.

In a frustrated manner, Wardell slammed his hand against the wall. I took that as my chance to rush out the kitchen. The first place I could think of was the basement. Just as I threw myself on the couch my phone buzzed.

From ; Tristan

-hey, it's Tristan from the game. Is this a bad time?

To ; Tristan

-No. What's up?

From ; Tristan

-I was thinking about grabbing a bite and i kinda don't want to go alone. Care to come along?

I paused to wipe my face again and stared at his message a little longer. When he texted me I always left him on read but now seemed like a good time to answer. He did say he wanted to be friends in the very last text and this would be a good time to get out of the house. It already felt stuffy like I didn't belong here every time I see Ayesha with the girls, the baby, and Wardell, all together. Maybe I should just take some time to myself and get some fresh air.

To ; Tristan

-Sure, just let me grab my wallet and shoes then I'll tell you where to come get me.

From ; Tristan

-No problem, I'll be waiting.

A small smile appeared on my face and I shoved my feet into my slides. I already had on something cute and close fitting so I didn't need much. My hair could stay in a curly mess since it was how I left the house most of the time. I rushed upstairs to grab my wallet and texted Tristan my address. Wardell watched as I grabbed my keys and stood up quickly.

"Minah..." he shouted following behind me.

"I'll be back." I rushed to the girls and left a kiss on each head.

Wardell kept following me until I reached the front door and he put his hand over the knob. "W-Where are you going?" He searched my face for an answer and held unto my waist with his other hand.

"I'm just going to get something to eat with a friend." I sighed.

"What friend? You don't have any friends...?" He looked at me extra confused and nervous. Although he was right that I had no friends, just a couple acquaintances from work, I slowly pulled away from his hand.

"Is it a guy?" I could see the anger rising in his eyes.

"What's the problem if it is? What? Do you not trust me?" I squinted at him


"Wow Wardell." I slapped his hand off the doorknob and he blocked it again.

"I didn't mean that, I just meant that I don't want you around any men right now. I just-

"I don't care. Move." I groaned hiding my face so he couldn't see me fighting more tears.

"Baby please. J-Just stay home." He desperately grabbed into my waist and stepped forward causing me to step backwards.

"Wardell!" Ayesha shouted loudly. His neck snapped toward the direction of the living room and I rolled my eyes.

"What ?" He groaned.

"See, your wife is calling you." I spat. He looked at me sincerely hurt and let go.

"Whatever Aminah." He hissed his teeth and walked away.

A huge dark figure stood at the door waiting and I swung it open. Tristan was smiling hard while he stared at me. His tall frame stood above me like a skyscraper and his muscles bulked a lot. I smiled politely back feeling the small weight on my shoulders fall off. If I couldn't spend time here I'd just waste it with Tristan's cute self.

"You look beautiful." His eyes met mine and my heart jumped.

"T-Thank you." I spoke nervously.

"Sorry to intrude but Aminah... were you crying just now? I mean your face is kinda red, especially your nos-

"Ready to go?" I spoke loudly and walked past him shutting the front door.

He nodded awkwardly and followed behind me quietly. I could feel two sets of eyes on me and it made me the utmost uncomfortable. I snapped my head to turn around and Tristan's eyes were on my ass while Wardell was watching from the window.

"S-Sorry I didn't mean to stare..." he bit his lip and looked away. It didn't help that Tristan was so appealing to the eye and his deep voice and scent were to die for.

"It's alright." I shrugged remembering how I always used to let men stare knowing they couldn't have me. Just as we approached the passenger side, Tristan rushed in front of me to open my door.

"Such a gentleman." I sighed hoping Wardell was watching and getting jealous.

"As my momma taught me." He chuckled and closed the door behind me.

Tristan got in the car and drove toward the gate in the front of the house Wardell and I shared. From the rear view mirror I could see him jogging toward the car in a rush. My heart skipped a beat seeing that he wasn't playing when it came to me. Wardell got close enough before the gate opened and Tristan pulled off. I sighed a huge breath of relief because the confrontation that was bound to happen would be unnecessary.

"So where are we heading too?" I smiled softly.

"I was thinking my momma's house." My eyes widened nervously and I sat up quickly.

"Wait, don't you think that's a little too soon? This is literally our first time meeting, I'm not a close friend yet. And I'm not dressed properly either." I panicked.

"Hey, calm down. My mom doesn't care about that, she's cool people. You'd love her and I feel like she'd love you." He spun the steering wheel smoothly as he turned.

"I really didn't expect this. Could you warn me next time?" I groaned feeling butterflies in my stomach.

About a half an hour passed when Tristan finally pulled up into his mother's driveway. She lived in a cozy looking home. It looked so snug and comfortable I wanted to move in my damn self. I got ready to leave the car and Tristan stopped me just to rush out and open my door for me. I blushed quickly and held his hand as I got out.

"She probably just finished cooking too." He smirked and knocked on his mom's front door.

"Better be my hard headed child." I heard her yell from behind the door.

I quickly started pulling my dress down from out of my ass since it was one of those dresses. I felt so out of place. Tristan had on a black Adidas track pants and a white T with some socks and slides. His mom swung the door open and she immediately covered her mouth. I looked at Tristan confused then at his mom even a little more surprised.

"Hi Ms. Thompson." I stuck my hand out nervously.

"This is her?" She ignored me for a moment waiting for Tristan's response. He looked away from me embarrassed and nodded. She looked me over and smiled hard.

"Hi Sweetheart, you can just call me Ma." She brought me into a soothing hug that i needed and my emotions got the best of me once again.

  I started crying on her shoulder and she rubbed my back and held me tighter. Tristan looked at the both of us even more confused. I held unto his mom even tighter because she was so welcoming and I couldn't help myself. It felt like I was with my mother all over again.

"You seem like you need a good talking from me child. Come on in and get some food." She sighed leading me in.