

    Today was the day before the girls and Canon were supposed to come home. I decided it was about time I had stuffed my emotions into a small corner of my heart and got on with the day. I cleaned my living space and my room to the best of my ability and waited for the click clacking of the heels upstairs to go through the front door. As if on cue, the front door slammed shut. In my mind, this was the best time to come upstairs and clean Wardell's messes.

I took a deep breath and looked down at my feet. It was weird how after all this time together I felt way to uncomfortable to be around him. I had on my regular house clothes, a huge t shirt tied around in the back and my biker shorts. I lazily tied my hair in a bun and knocked on the door to the foyer.

"Wardell..., I'm coming up now." The door swung open and Sydel was staring down at me.

"Hey girllll, just come on in. He's not down here yet." She chuckled.

"Oh so that was you I heard slamming that heavy ass front door?" I smiled hard and pulled my best friend into a hug.

"Any idea what he's doing?" I bit my lip not wanting to think about yesterday's situation.

"Sleeping I assume, haven't heard a sound in the two hours I've been here..." Sydel shrugged annoyed. "... I came to help with the clean up but both of you were knocked out." She chuckled.

"Well we can start without him, it's be a lot better that way too." I smirked sending her a hint of pettiness.

About three hours into cleaning the house, Sydel and I were finished with the main floor. It was time to move on too the second floor and the nervousness and anxiety I had from yesterday crept up my spine. Sydel gave me an assuring look before we made our way upstairs. It was way too quiet for my liking, felt as though something was still going on.

"Hey, I'll go clean the girls' room first, you take the guest room. Some of your things are still in there too." She pointed out so that I wouldn't decline.

I slowly dragged my feet through the carpet as I dreaded getting any closer to the room Wardell and I shared. To my surprise, small moans were leaking out the room and I dreaded seeing him behind another random woman. It made my heart hurt. I stepped closer and leaned in peaking through the large crack. Wardell was giving the girl harsh back shots and his face seemed irritated. It wasn't the same girl from the day before either. He had one hand holding him steady and the other, covering her mouth.

His tight face started to loosen up as he was in and out of her. The girl looked back at him for a moment and he hissed saying 'no' while smushing her head in the bed. I could tell from the way he was sloppily fucking her he was about to cum. My eyes burned at the sight of all this happening but if I didn't see it myself I wouldn't know or believe anyone when they told me.

"F-fuck Aminah....," I watched in astonishment as he grabbed unto the girl's waist and emptied himself on her back.

"That's not my name you know, it's the third time today. What the hell?" The girl quickly stomped off toward the bathroom and Wardell covered his face in embarrassment before sliding his back against the wall and down to the floor.

"I-It wasn't on purpose...," he whispered to himself.

I snatched my face away from the crack and held my chest. My heart was beating abnormally fast and a surge of a teeny bit of ecstasy ran through me. Knowing that he was still thinking of me even now made me just a little happier. I rushed to the girls' room to tell Sydel of what I had just heard. Even then we continued to clean and the only part of the house left undone was Wardell's room. Just as Sydel was about to knock and give him a piece of her mind, the girl he pissed off walked out muttering obscene things about him.

"I-I'm sorry, I said it wasn't on purpose..." he groaned holding in a small laugh. Sydel rose and eyebrow at him as I watched from afar on the staircase.

"Move Aminahhhh..." she mocked rolling her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at her aggravation as well. It's not like it was my fault anyways.

"So that's what you were busy doing?" Wardell caught sight of me standing in the staircase and backed up from the doorway.

"Listen it's not what it seems Syd." He groaned again, this time more embarrassed then before. I guess Sydel was the one person he didn't want to know about the many girls that were running through his room.

"It's exactlyyyyy what it seems Wardell. Mimi and I were slaving around the house all day cleaning up while you were getting your meat wet. Oh Gosh, have you even taken a shower? You reek of that girl's odor, and it isn't pleasant in the least bit. Oooou im so upset with you." She stomped and waved her finger at him like a disappointed mother.

"Alright Syd, I get it. I'll shower then clean my room and I'll be down in a jiffy. I'll treat you guys to some food or whatever you want."

"Curse you, you knew that I'd accept food, especially Mimi, she loves food." Sydel ran off at the mouth causing Wardell to suddenly dismiss her and shut the door.

"Ugh, men will be men. Can't mention a thing in front of them, they get so butt hurt over it." She rolled her eyes and laughed while walking up to me.

"So how'd your scolding go?" I smiled resting my elbows on my knee and taking a seat on the top step.

"I was only 1/4th done before he bribed me with food and you know that's an offer I cannot refuse." She huffed and took a seat right next to me.

    We spent a couple of minutes on the stairs just talking and giggling away at little things. By the time we were done joking around, Wardell came out of his room shirtless with shorts on. My eyes widened seeing his body with small scratches all over, both healing and new. When our eyes met, he quickly turned around and went back into his room. He returned again, this time with a long sleeve shirt on. I couldn't understand why, it wasn't like I hadn't seen the marks already. It was clear he moved on, so I needed too as well.

   Sydel stood up and began walking downstairs and I followed suit. It was a bit awkward but it was better then nothing. I scurried Behind her as we rushed to the living room in complete silence. Wardell also followed behind, I could hear him awkwardly sighing  and it made a bit uncomfortable. We got to the living room and Sydel put the tv on Netflix so we could finish watching her favorite show, Vampire Diaries. After a whole, everyone was sitting in a calm silence and Wardell began to speak.

"....uhh, what did you guys want to eat?" I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes then at Syd. He kept his eyes on me and I could feel my nervousness setting in.

"How bout Dominos? Or Chinese?" Sydel shrugged looking at the both of us.

"I'll be fine with whatev-

"Anything is goo-

    Wardell and I spoke over each other accidentally causing us both to stop talking. His face went red and I looked down and started playing with my fingers. Sydel rolled her eyes and stood up with her hands on her hips. Her strong ass pulled me up from my seat and pushed me toward Wardell. I fell right next to him on the couch and busted out laughing.

"What the hell Syd?" I chuckled sitting up in attempt to ignore the nervousness running through my body. Wardell's huge manly hand was resting on the small of my back, a natural thing that always happened to us.

"You alright?" He looked me straight at me with his pretty eyes and I melted inside.

"I-I'm okay. Thanks...," I awkwardly dragged my words. He reluctantly removed his hand and cleared his throat before looking away.

"Can you guys hurry up and forgive each other already? You're making it weird for everyone around you." She crossed her arms and waited, staring harshly at the both of us.

"Oh Gosh, Why are you like this..," Wardell groaned throwing his head back in annoyance.

"Well?" She began tapping her foot.

"I'm not apologizing, I did nothing wrong." Wardell blurted out while shrugging.

     I immediately turned my head to the side, giving him a sharp side eye. He caught sight of my glare and looked away. In reality, I knew we were both wrong, but I, more then him. His arrogant asshole act made me want to keep my apology. Sydel grilled him before lecturing him all over again. Instead of being an asshole right back, I decided I'd take the high road for once since I actually cared for him..

"I'm sorry. For everything, I really am. Even if you're not, that's okay. I can't let myself stress over you anymore so I rather forgive you and move on like you did. As much as it hurts, it's fine."

    The shock their faces held made me sigh deeply and rub my eyes to distract myself from tearing up. Wardell looked down at his feet and clenched his phone. He looked so frustrated with me and I didn't expect that at all. Sydel was still in shock that I made the first move at reconciliation. I watched as he got up and walked away. I was so desperate to be forgiven that I followed him to the hallway and pinched his sleeve to stop him from running away so quickly.

"I didn't mean to frustrate you, r-really I'm sorry." I bit my lip and watched as he snatched his arm away from me muttering.

"You're not the one who's frustrating me."

    Sydel rushed behind us, hiding obviously behind the bend of the wall. When he rushed away out the back door, I noticed how watery his eyes had gotten. If i wasn't the one frustrating him, who was? It made even more sad at the thought of him having those feelings he had with me with another woman. I groaned and covered my face letting my eyes water in front of Sydel.

"...I tried." I stuttered and threw myself into her chest.

"You did well Mimi, just give it some time. No one knows what's really going on with him." She sighed holding me close to her.

   Eventually, my tears were dried up and I was curled under a blanket next to Sydel watching the TV all over again. Wardell came through the front door and hurriedly plopped three dominos pizza boxes and three Chinese food boxes on the coffee table in front of us. His eyes held so much sadness and I didn't know what to say. I decided it was best to leave it all alone for now. I'd been acting carelessly anyways.

"Aye, my mom's bringing the kids in a little bit." He rubbed his head and left to wash his hands.

"I can't wait to see Canon." Sydel moaned out.

"What about my girls ?" I rose my eyebrow at her and we laughed.

"Hey, wanna take them somewhere fun before the day ends?" Sydel suggested.

"Sure, why not? But what's a good place to take them too?" I groaned thinking hard.

"Oh, Skyzone." Sydel yelled. I covered her mouth immediately getting caught by Wardell's confused expression.

"What about Skyzone?" He looked away from me and snatched a slice of pizza out the box.

"We were thinking about taking the kids there when they get here...," I piped up twiddling my fingers.

"Sounds pretty fun." He shrugged. I watched in a daze as his jaw clenched while he ate.

"You should come along Steph." Sydel smirked trying to egg me on.

"Yeah I'll come." He shrugged again staring hard at the TV.

Around two hours later....,

     It was about 3pm when Wardell's Mom called his phone to mention that she was outside. My stomach did backflips at the thought of seeing her for the second time in forever. He still didn't trust his parents in the least bit, but he also didn't deny them a relationship with his kids. Wardell was truly sweet at heart. His mom rushed in carrying a sleeping Canon, tucked all snug in his carrier. Riley and Ryan were wide awake and excited to be home. I could hear their loud voices booming from the front door.

   Wardell's father walked in all calm and quiet holding both of the girls' duffle bags and Canon's stroller. I quickly stood up to help him and He insisted that he was fine. Sydel hugged her mom and started a huge conversation with her leaving me by my lonesome. Anytime their family was around I felt so out of place, like I shouldn't be here. As I began to walk to the kitchen to isolate myself, the girls' caught me by tackling me in a huge bear hug. I stumbled hard and Wardell caught me before I could drop. My face went red and I took a step back.

"S-Sorry." He nodded and walked away toward his dad.

"Mommy I missed you so much!" Riley screamed as loud as she could and latched unto my leg.

"I missed you guys too but you have to use your inside voice. Canon's sleeping." I chuckled and pulled her closer.

    Ryan wrapped her small body around my other leg and I couldn't help but feel so loved. I didn't even notice everyone watching how I was with the girls. Ryan and Riley laughed a bunch as I smothered them in hugs and kisses. It's almost as if they couldn't get enough of this treatment from me.

"Wow, they love you a lot." Wardell's mom clasped her hands together and smiled at me genuinely.

"They even call her Mommy." Wardell's father stared in astonishment.

"I love them just as much, even if it isn't my place too. They're the kids I always wanted." I chuckled catching a genuine smile from Wardell through the corner of my eye.

   His parents said their goodbyes both to him, Sydel, and their grandkids. It was the first time I felt just a little apart of their amazon family. I always wished I would have a huge family like this one day. Wardell cleared his throat causing the girls to jump on him next. Canon was fast asleep in his carrier and I couldn't help but look at him for a while. It was hard for me to accept him so easily when I found out about him but how can you blame an innocent baby for anything. If anything, I probably missed him the most since he was always with me.

"Someone looks a lot happier...," Sydel chuckled and took a seat next to me.

"You have no idea." I laughed.