Elisea kept hunting slimes, collecting silvers and items, foraging, and logging for hours, until all of her quests were done. She headed back to the town, and received her rewards from the NPC's that increased her level.

•Quest Completed•

•Level Increased•

•New Skill Available•

•Life Skill increased•

Foraging skill: Apprentice III

Logging skill: Apprentice III

Crafting skill(Potions): Apprentice III

•New Functions Accessed•




'Hey, newbie! How's it going!?'

The man acquainted to Elisea greeted as he walked few paces towards her.

'Oh, It's you.'

Elisea shifted her eyes to him.

'Sorry, I couldn't introduce myself properly lately. My name is Zayde.

'I'm Elisea.'

Elisea extended her arm and gestured a handshake.

'Are you sure?'

The man frowned in surprise.

'Hm? What do you mean?'

Elisea smile vanished at the question.

'Right now, you're forming a friend request.'

'Come on, don't leave me hanging.'

Elisea reached for Zayde's hand, and a holographic interface appeared before him.

Class: Force Manipulator Grade I

Rank: 0

Name: Aesile

Level: 7


Accept Decline

'Oh no, this is bad! I need to log-out Zayde! It was nice meeting you!'

As Elisea character vanished into into light, Zayde accepted her accidental request.

•August, Wednesday 5:24PM 2214•

The Ael Dreamer opened by itself, the frail light from neuro-headgear and gloves had faded. Elisea heaved herself and sat on the edge of the capsule, stretching her arms.

Elisea reached for her phone to check her mail, she has 17 unread messages. She dialed her sister number, and placed her phone on her ear.

'Lena! Have you already created a character? The game was awesome! The details of the surroundings are so realistic! And you should see the slimes, they're so adorable!'

Lena wore a wireless earphone as she listened. She is gifted, the only sister Elisea has and the CEO of Ael Company. At age twenty three she had memorized every single code in programming languages, and from a single glance she knows how the data structures and algorithms works at the age of fourteen.

Lena was leaning against the wall with her arms folded as she watched through the glass of the building, her light brown hair was tied neatly in ponytail.

'It sounded that you really enjoyed the game. I haven't started yet, I'll get there at 7:00, so prepare me a dinner.'

Before Elisea could speak, her sister had already dropped the call. She took a glance on her phone to check the time, the she headed downstairs, walked towards the fridge and opened it. Elisea may not be good with technologies and in sports, but she has culinary expertise. Her fragile body made her stay indoor, her sister spare time to help and educate her.

•August, Wednesday 7:00 PM 2214•

The gates automatically opened as Lena pressed a button on her phone, she saw Elisea waving her hand on the balcony. Lena parked the car, and strode inside of their house.

'Welcome home, Lena.'

Elisea voice was calm.

'So, how was your day with the game?'

Lena eased off her black blazer, and threw it on a sofa.

'I liked it. My character was energetic, and I walked to see the surroundings inside of the game for hours.'

Elisea reached for the chair, and sat down. She watched Lena enjoyed the food she cooked for her.

'I made your favorite chocolate mousse yesterday. It's in the—.

Elisea trailed off, she glanced down and suddenly felt weak.

'Elisea? Are you alright?'

Lena eyes were full of worries.

'I-I'm fine, I'm going back to my room.'

As Elisea headed to upstairs, Lena called her assistant.

'Dane? Cancel all of my meetings tomorrow.'

She dropped the call before his assistant could respond.

•August, Thursday, 8:15AM 2214•

Lena and Elisea, entered the AVO world. Lena was equipped with dual blade, her character was a boy, it looked much younger than sixteen years, wearing black cloak that fitted the color of his leather suit, and mask which concealed half of his face.

'Lena! Is that you!? Wow, you're character is so small and cute! Welcome to Ael Vel World!'

Elisea shouted and embraced her.

Lena was relief, in this way, she could see her sister joyful and playful with her.

'Let's do a handshake first!'

Elisea reached for her hand. Lena could've easily re-programmed her status points, weapons and equipments, but Elisea insisted her to play fair.

•New friend in list

Class: Shadow Assassin

Name: Lena

Rank: 0

Level: 1


After Lena talked to the NPC's Elisea took her hand accompanied her outside the town of Velia, she led her in the forest where her quests are. Elisea sat on the soft grass, she hugged her knees to her chest as she watched her sister.

Lena's steps was quiet as the wind, it was her passive skill aiding her, the 'Aether Walk.' Her gaze was fixed on the slime, her daggers were grasped in her fists as she take another steps. She caught its attention, and before the slime could attack, she reacted quickly and lunged, leaving trails of blackened smoke, the. she switched direction stabbing the slime from behind.

'That was easy.'

Lena stared over her shoulder to see Elisea's reaction.

'No way! You cheated!'

Elisea stood on her feet and pointed a finger at her.

'And I thought you'd be amazed. That skill was called "Shadow Ambush".'

Lena inhaled sharply and let out a deep breath.