Sina sweat dropped upon seeing the masked Iris with her arms crossed. She momentarily forgot about the remaining attacker as she struggled to find any words to say. "Hey, didn't expect to see you here."
Iris looked at the fidgeting figure of Sina before sighing. She then snapped her fingers causing several vines to sprout from from the ground. The vines then bound the remaining attacker in place as Iris focused her attention on Sina.
" I take it this is why you came to this city." She asked.
"Yep. Sorry you had to find out this way but I thought it was best not to involve you in my troubles." Sina replied, scratching the back of her head.
Iris turned to the spot where she killed the first attacker. The fact that he had turned to Ash didn't go unnoticed by her." What are they? " she asked.
" Vampires. "
" You are kidding me. "
" Nope totally the truth. These guys are dollar store Nosferatus."
"So.... how did you get mixed up with them?"
" *shrugs* Call it a favour for a friend."
" So you have been vampire hunting all time? "
" Well technically I have been trying to find their lair. But so far I only found thralls. Until tonight that is. "Sina replied as he glanced at their prisoners." Look, I'll tell you all I can but, let me finish interrogating this guy. " She added as she cracked her knuckles. Iris nodded as she walked to the entrance of the alley to make sure no body was nearby.
What followed was a series of muffled screams from behind her as she kept watch. After several minutes, she heard footsteps approaching her from behind. She turned around to see Sina cleaning a small dagger. The captive vampire was currently in the process of turning to dust behind her. Iris dispelled the vine before turning to Sina.
"Well, how did it go?" Iris asked.
Sina gave her a thumbs up before she motioning towards the roof. Before Iris could respond, Sina wrapped her arm around her waist before jumping up to the roof. Iris involuntarily grabbed on to Sina causing the later to giggle. The moment their feet touched the ground, Iris pushed Sina away causing her to laugh at her antics. Iris glared at her before regaining her composure.
"Well then start from the beginning." Iris said.
"Alright. Alright. Well you see, a couple of months ago, there was an influx of vampire activity in and around Washington. My "friend" wanted me to investigate since I am the only one who can remain incognito from the vampires. Every other person she knew was too well known amongst the vampire community. " Sina began explaining.
" So what did you find out?"
"Well, in a few months, several vampire leaders belonging to the Jumlin, Kreiger, Mystikos and Nosferatu sect are going to gather at the main lair in this city."
"Oh sorry. They are actually vampire sects. The Jumlin are vampires associated with Native Americans. The Kreiger and Nosferatu are the strongest sects in the west and Mystikos are vampires who dabble in technology. These sects get along like fire and ice. So whatever this gathering is, it might be bad news for the city. Best case scenario they forge an alliance and make them a serious threat. Worst case scenario it may cause a conflict between the sects and the City might get caught in the crossfire."
" So, what the plan.?" Iris asked.
" Huh" Sina couldn't help but look at Iris. "Iris, this is not going to be like the Labradors. Most of these vampires are stronger than the ones we just saw. I cannot let you endanger your life for this."
"My family and my friends live in this city. And I will be damned if I let these vampires threaten their lives." Iris rebuked as she crossed her arms and stared at Sina. The pair stood silent for a while before Sina let out a sigh of exasperation.
"Fine. I'll contact my friend. We will get some help then assault the lair when the sects gather. I suggest you...." she stopped midway when she saw something from the corner of her eyes. "Get down!!!" She yelled as she tackled Iris to the ground. The sound of a gunshot echoed as a bullet hit near where Iris had been standing. The pair looked to see half a dozen drones surrounding them. Each had a high caliber railgun which can tear through Iris's armour like knife through butter. A few moments later, someone's voice began broadcasting from them. "Attention all pure children of humanity. We the purifiers stand here today facing another one of the demon in human skin. Witness as we show you our superiority." (Sorry. I'm not the best at making speeches)
Just as the purifier finished his monologue, Iris used a pair of vine whips to destroy two of the drones. At the same time, Sina charged at one of them and hit it with her elbow. The drone burst into million pieces from the impact.
The drones were taken by surprise as they flew away from the duo while opening fire. The latter however had jumped to an adjacent rooftop and took cover behind a large ventilation unit. "Who the hell are they?"Iris asked Sina as she peeked from the corner." They call themselves, the Purifiers. They are bunch of fanatical terrorists who hunt mutants. They believe that the mutants are spawns of the devil himself."Sina explained as she removed a pipe."
"How did they find us?"
"As far as I know, they have a certain device that detects when a mutant uses their X genes."
"Why didn't you warn me that these ass holes might attack me?"
"I didn't think I'd have to. They are mostly active around the East Coast. As far as I know, they haven't even stepped foot in Washington. Unless...."
Both the girls had the same conclusion.
"Vance!! " They said at the same time.
Iris bit into her finger and dropped a few drops of blood on the concrete roof. Due to the lack of nutrients, she would have to use her powers wisely. She finished just in time as the three remaining drones attempted to flank them. One drone was advancing from the right while the other advanced from the left. The third one advance straight at the girls.The girls shared a look and nodded as the drones came closer.
Just as the drones were in range, Iris released a black vine that which hit one of the propellers. The drone began spinning uncontrollably while firing all over the place coincidentally hitting and destroying the drone in the center. Sina on the other hand threw the metal pipe like a javelin after enhancing it with Ki. The pipe went through drone and got embedded into a wall on building behind it. After confirming that the drones were down the girls jumped down from rooftops in case more of them arrive.
However, not long after they touched the ground, they began hearing vehicles approach. They ran out of the alley, away from the vehicles just as an armored jeep pulled into the alley. A man in high tech suit of armor was manning began firing at them with the mounted machine gun. Iris dropped a few drops of her blood on the sidewalk before taking cover. The jeep then advanced while the gunner provided suppressive fire. Just as the jeep came out on to the sidewalk, Iris released a massive vine that over turned the jeep throwing the gunner out. Sina acted quick as she snapped the neck of the driver before he could get out.
Meanwhile, Iris attacked the gunner with black vines just as he was standing up. However she was surprised to see her vines get completely blocked by the gunner. The latter suddenly pulled a large blade with electricity crackling around it. He then proceeded to cut the attacking vines. Iris frowned as she commanded the vines to start spreading their roots into the sewer system. It would provide the plant necessary nutrients to make it stronger.
Seeing the gunner cutting Iris's vines, Sina took a combat stance. The gunner chuckled before sprinting towards her with the blade raised over his head. As he brought the blade down, Sina sidestepped before delivering a Ki infused punch to his side only to clutch her hand in pain as she hit the hard metal. This was no ordinary armor. The gunner then slashed diagonally at Sina but she managed to easily dodge it before countering. Unfortunately, it was met with the same results.
"Foolish mutant, this armor was created by Father striker himself. There is nothing an Abomination like you, can do to even scratch it." The gunner began speaking in a smug tone.
Sina smirked at his words. "Perhaps. But there is just one thing you are mistaken about. I'm not a mutant."
The gunner was visibly confused before he sensed something behind him. He turned to see several vines come out of the ground and begin tangling around his limbs. He tried to sever the vines however, it was not enough to stop the vines from immobilising him. His eyes then turned to the green skinned girl wearing what looks like a mask made from shrubbery. After her initial attack, he was confident that she was no threat. However, as he looked at her now he couldn't help but feel a scared.
Iris then used a couple of vines to attack different parts of the armor to no avail. Seeing this, the gunner regained some of his courage and taunted. "Its useless you devil. Both this armor and my lord with protect me until my comrades arrive."
Iris looked him dead in the eyes before grinning. She then raised her hands and the black vines began dividing itself into smaller vines. The smaller vines then crawled into the armour from in between the plates. A few moments later, an audible clang rang. The gunner stared in horror as one of the armor plates was separated. This was followed by more clangs as the rest of the plates began falling one by one. As the final plate fell, all that was left was a middle aged man in black spandex suit. Iris blew on her wrist and her pheromone began spreading. She had learned to orally release the pheromone in a gaseous state a few days prior to this.
The gunner could only helplessly watch as he inadvertently inhaled the pheromones. After a while, his expression became blank as the pheromones took effect.
Iris walked up to him and asked. "Who sent you?"
The gunner replied with a monotone voice. "Father Stryker."
"Why did you come to Lumen City?"
"One of father Strykers contacts asked him for aid in neutralising a mutant who had attacked and killed the chief Vance's son. We spent theast few days surveying the city with our MDD until it showed mutant activity. " the gunner replied
"I see. So... What is Lance upto?"
"I do not know. But he wanted the mutant exterminated by the time construction started."
"What construction are you talking about.?"
"The country club"
"What is his plan.?
" I do not know? "
Iris wanted to ask few more questions however, she began hearing police sirens in the distance. Cursed under her breath before stabbing the gunner in the throat with a vine.
The police arrived to see and armored jeep with driver sporting a broken neck and a man with gaping hole in his throat. There were also several cracks on the road but sign of Iris's vines as she had dispelled it before leaving.
Meanwhile, the the girls responsible were busy catching their breath after running through several blocks. Iris had reverted to her normal form while Sina discarded her hoodie.
They didn't utter a single word as they traversed back into the residential district. The silence however was short lived as Iris's phone began ringing. She took it out and muttered a hello. She then suddenly froze in place, alarming Sina. Iris quickly said "thanks" before turning to Sina. Her eyes had a look of relief as she uttered the words.
"Heather is awake."