Opening a weapon store 1

Adam told his mom about everything that he was keeping a secret from her. Now that even his friends already know about his ability, he felt guilty to not tell his mom. Even though, he knew she will become anxious and will try to convince him to stay away from danger. But he had already made his mind and had chosen not to have an ordinary life anymore. Now, he has a strong ability so he will naturally use it to its maximum potential.

"I don't want you to be a fighter, it's a path with a deadly ending." Marry sounded begging rather than ordering. She sighed then said" your father was also a fighter, a very strong one. But look at what happened to him. He left us for good. Even if you are very strong there will be always someone stronger. You will never be safe, son."

"So I will just keep getting stronger. Whenever I reach a new obstacle."

She sighed again then said: "why don't you just go to school, practice there safely, and have a normal life."

"You have just said it a 'normal life'. I don't wanna have a normal life. I want to be a great fighter that his achievements will affect the lives of people for centuries." as soon as he finished his sentence, Adam realized just how silly and childish he sounded. Yet, he really desired to be great, to be a legend.

"I completely oppose this rushed decision of yours. But still, I can't force you to do anything. After all, it's your life so you can live it however you want. As your mother, I will support you in whatever path you choose as long as it's righteous. At least emotionally, as I don't have enough money to buy skills or any other materials."

"Thank you a lot, mom. I promise you I will be safe. As for the money, it won't be a problem for us anymore..." He stopped speaking for a while, he took a deep breath, then continued:" I have decided to start a business. I will open a store in the Hunter Guild's market (the biggest market for fighters in the city). I will sell fighting skills, weapons, pills, and everything that fighters need."

"But you are still young, you should go to school like your peers. You can start your business after you graduate."

"I am still going to school of course. I won't be the one that sells there. I will find someone to work for me."

"Ah! Ok, that sounds great. But do you have enough money to start such an enormous business? You now, only a few deep-rooted noble families are selling their fighting techniques. And I don't think they will agree to sell the copyrights of their original skills to someone."

"Don't worry, I have copyrights for three skills. And I have created a few myself."

"It seems that you have planned very well for this project. I can only hope you will succeed in what you are doing. Have a good night, I am going to sleep now as I must go to work early tomorrow." she said while kissing his forehead. She was so happy to see her kid grow up this much. Now, in her eyes, he became a reliable mature man.

"No, mom. You don't have to go to work anymore. We have a lot of money right now."

"I know but...since your father has passed away I become used to work to gain my living. I don't wanna rely on anyone else including my son."

"I see, then let's find you a new job. How about to be my associate in the store. I wouldn't find anyone that I trust better than you. We can share the profit by 50% each."

"No, that's too much I can't agree."

"No, you deserve more. This is nothing. This store is just the beginning." Adam said sounding too ambitious.

"Thank you, I will do my best to make the project succeed." marry said with a satisfied face after hearing her son kind words.

"Good night, mom," he said then went immediately to his bed. He couldn't resume his training as his sword had broken. He slept early that night probably at midnight, that was early by his standards, he who always keeps training until 4 Am or later.

After six hours of sleep, Adam woke up full of energy and excitement, today after school he is going to the hunter guild to buy a shop.

First, he took a shower, wore a new set of clothes then headed to the kitchen to make his breakfast. But he was surprised to see his mom there at this hour, cooking happily. He hadn't seen that for a very long time, probably since his childhood as she always goes to work early and returns late.

When she sensed his presence, she turned her smiley head toward him and said: "Good morning."

Adam smiled back then greeted here:" Good morning, mom. What a special day to see you before going to school. It makes me happy."

"That's because of your hard work. From now on, we will see each other a lot until you will miss your lonely days here."

"Hahaha." Adam chuckled. They sat in the table and ate their meal slowly like every ordinary family while Adam told his mom about some details in their project.


The bell door suddenly rang. Then a loud voice came from behind it.

"Adam let's go we are late. Don't tell me you are still sleeping?"

"Wait, I am coming."

"Who is that?" Marry asked him.

"It's my friend, Yassir. He's here to pick me up." Adam told her then left the house and got in Yassir's car.

"I like it when you referred to us as friends."

"Well, I think we are, even if I don't admit it. Wait! How could you hear us?"

"I have already told you that I have very sharp ears due to the nature of my ability. By the way, who were you talking with?"

"My mom."

"I thought you said she goes to work early."

"Well, not anymore. We are opening a store to sell fighting items. And she will be the shopkeeper."

"a store. Where?"

"The hunter guild market."

"What? Do you even realize how expensive that place is? It's where the big families in our city do their business."

"Yes, I know. And I have enough money to buy a small shop there."

"Is that why you went to the Sumbo family. And demanded their copyrights?"

"Indeed, I will make copies then sell them and also a lot of other techniques that I created using the same principle."