Nice Guys Finish Last

***Reader warning- Sexual references***

He looked at her, her body was covered in his t-shirt but he could remember what her naked body had looked like when she put it on.  She had passed out when she hit the bed, it was only six but she worked so hard he couldn't blame her.  He walked into the kitchen to fix dinner, cleaned up after himself, then went back upstairs.

Their son hid away in the library, a small room with bookshelves lining the walls, and if he went in he was liable to get a calculator handbook to the face. They were the only kind of books that his boy refused to read, so much like his mother, read everything but the manual. He laughed, knocked, and spoke through the door, "I made dinner, come down if you're hungry." He laughed when he heard the book hit the door and his son without missing a beat turned the page of the book he was reading.

He then returned to his own room, to wake his wife and make her eat.  He saw her lunchbox closed in her bag, she never zipped it back if she ate the food in it, so she had skipped lunch.  He hated waking her; her round face always glowed a little when she slept.  He touched her arm and her eyes fluttered open, looking at him she blinked a few times until she could see him clearly; a smile filled her eyes and she touched his face.  He couldn't help sliding into bed next to her and pulling her into his arms.  "God only knows how much I love you!"  he said as she kissed his chest and ran her fingers over the buttons on his shirt.  She loved when he wore shirts like that.  He always tried to look good for her; he worked from home so he didn't care about how he looked for anyone else.  Living in the middle of nowhere helped that fact.

He stroked her hair while he thought, not really paying attention until she giggled when he touched her neck.  He looked at her and smiled, when she giggled she sounded angelic to him.  He finally had to tell her "dinner is ready my sweet and I bet it is getting cold."  She shook her head and told him she wasn't hungry, she just wanted to lie on his chest a little longer.  Her stomach growled calling her a liar and he laughed, "Come on, our child won't come eat unless you get him, he is in the library."

She crawled over him and stood up clumsily, "You didn't see that," she smiled as she straightened the end of the shirt then walked to the library and knocked. Nothing came from the other side as their son had not picked up the manual he had thrown. She called out for their son to come to the door and it opened shortly after, he told her he would be down once he finished the chapter, he had a couple pages left. The door shut and his mom and dad headed to the dinner table setting the plates with food.

Minutes later the door opened and the little red-headed boy slid down the banister.  He sat at the table and told his dad, "Sorry dad you interrupted the middle of the chapter. I have one more chapter so once I finish dinner may I go finish my book?"

"Yes, but tomorrow you have to ride bikes with your mother, it is her day off and you two need some sunlight, my little vampires!" He told his family.

She smiled as she kissed his ear, "We need to talk tonight," she then turned to the boy, "finish the chapter then it is off to bed with you by eight, nine if you want to watch a movie, but no staying up all night reading."

They ate their dinner quickly and left the table to run to their little errands. Once the door shut to the bedroom she dropped the bomb, "Honey, I am pregnant."

He did not have time to react, it had been nine years since their son's birth and not that they were or weren't trying but she had not even had a scare in those nine years.  "H-How?" He stammered, "I thought we could not have any more children?"

"I thought so too," She sighed, "I went to the doctor's office in town after work because I have not been feeling like myself and he told me we are going to have a baby." She sat on the bed and put her face in her hands, "I don't remember what it is like to be pregnant but I do remember how much harder it was when I had to take off work. We finally have some stability and we have a good savings for our son's college started. How are we going to be able to afford another child?"

He couldn't help but smile at her, she always got a little moody and emotional when it came to times like these. She had grown up with very little and she worked so hard to make sure they kept a house and a home.  He knew she loved children but she hated money problems. Usually it would be the father stressing over another baby and the money it would take to care for one but he had his very cool and collected air about him.  Opposites attracting had never been more true.  "I hope it is a girl," he smiled putting his hand on his chin, "But I will be happy with another boy. I just hope this one turns out like me." He gave her a quizzical look, "You were always better with boys, I think if we have a daughter she will be all mine, daddy's little girl," He took her in his arms and stroked her hair.

She tried to remember why she was so nervous but he had calmed her into forgetting.  Always so calm, so smart, he was her river and she knew it. She like the sand; had a hard and collected nature that naturally hurt and grimed against flesh. He moved more like the river; the water that washed over everything in clear, clean energy moving things to its will, even the stubborn, hurtful sand.  Sand, that became soft and clay-like under the water. She pushed her lips to the corner of his neck and kissed him lightly, then bit him, "So, I am a vampire, huh?"

He pushed her back on the bed, then remembering something he jumped up and locked the door, "Yes, and I am the hunter!" He said enthusiastically but still quiet enough their son wouldn't hear.

She giggled and crawled up on the bed, pushing her back to the wall, "Oh, no!" She scratched at the air with her nails, "What will you do with me, oh powerful hunter?"

He laughed and jumped on the bed, wrapped her in his arms and whispered softly into her ear, "I am going to kiss you until you give up your thrown and tell me all of your secrets."

He kissed her whole face and neck until she was giggling so loud their son pounded on the door, "Would you two quiet down?! I am trying to read!"

"Read in your room, my bratty, nerdy son!" She said pushing her husband away.

"I can?" was asked cautiously through the door. They kept the books in the library because they had a tendency to never return there if taken to a room.

"Yes, you can tonight, but I want the book back in the library tomorrow," She told him laughing through the door, knowing he had started another book. His footsteps running from the room were the only thing heard. "Now," she said turning back to her husband, "I thought you said he was nothing like you? You were the biggest nerd in college! With your geeky smile and bright eyes, my sweet innocent boy," she laughed as she remembered him.

"Oh, is that how you remember it? I believe you never looked up from your book long enough to acknowledge anyone. Plus, you were a sophomore and I was a senior when we met and we were in the same class," He said remembering also.

"Yes, that is true, but you were the only one who could get me to look up. You always made me smile and you were so sure of yourself, even with your innocence of the world," She smiled at him slyly.

"Hum, you know what? I think you were the one who corrupted my innocent mind! Then again, don't they say, 'nice guys finish last?'" He said staring at her; her creative mind would have an answer for that.

"Well, I am not sure about all nice guys or even all guys really, just you and from what I know about our life and our finales…" She gave a sly smile and he raised his eyebrow, "Finishing last, isn't always a bad thing, so why don't we test your theory and see who finishes last?" She climbed into bed and turned out the light.