Luo Estate (2)

The butlers allowed them to enter the estate.

Inside was just as outrageously grand and richly decorated as outside, if not more. There was a hall meant to be a ballroom, right by the spiral staircase. Guests filled the room, talking to each other or sweeping across the floor with their light dancing.

The afternoon light dawned on them, illuminating the room with the natural lighting of the sun.

Shi Yen and Shi Ailin found their seats where uncle Shi Ma waited for them. It was no surprise that their table was in the far back. Shi Yen wondered if Shi Ma bribed the family to let them have a seat in the banquet, or if the Luo's gave them pity invitations.

Regardless, Shi Ailin looked happy that they were sitting away from the crowd.

Guests began to quiet and settle down, as the entire Luo family made their entrance. Every guest paused to stare at them, waiting as they took their seats to resume the chatting and dancing.

At the front, was Mr. and Mrs. Luo.

Mr. Luo was a dark-haired man wearing a taut and hard expression. His wife, an ash-blonde beauty, locked arms with her husband, walking down as their sons followed behind.

This banquet was an ordinary one. They didn't announce it to be a bride-hunting event, but it was obvious.

The Luo's had three sons, all eligible for marriage with the finest daughters who'd attend. However, the youngest son was not the main focus on the event, considering he was only twenty years old. But it intrigued Shi Yen that the eldest son, Luo Wanting, hadn't married yet.

She watched as her sister was at a sudden loss of breath. Shi Yen curiously followed her sister's gaze, latching onto Luo Tian, the second son. Luo Tian was shaking hands with guests, wearing a black suit that brightened the colour of his wheat-blonde hair and tawny eyes. His older brother wore a grey suit over his shirt, complimenting his ash-blonde hair and grey-green eyes.

Shi Yen recalled that Luo Tian was something of her sister's past, a past she rarely spoke about. And Shi Ailin didn't stop looking at them directly.

"I thought you and Tian were friends," Shi Yen remarked.

Shi Ailin sucked in a sharp breath. "We were—not," she stammered. She then sat down suddenly, crunching on the carrots and dip the waiters served.

Shi Yen's eyes lingered around. She then caught sight of a man, a dark-haired man with sharp cheekbones, russet eyes, and a charming face. He was the man who made eyes with her at the nightclub, but, oh, she knew who he was. Yuan Shun.

They were never formally introduced, but she knew everything about the Yuan's, the family that took everything from her.

As Shi Yen stared at the man she hated, Shi Ailin watched the Luo brothers, and noticing how they were going to each table, meeting with everyone, she slipped under the table and started crawling away.

Shi Yen managed to catch Yuan Shun's eye, a gaze that told her everything she needed to know. He was interested. No, he wanted her. But, did he know who she was? She wondered. Shi Yen kept her glance brief, turning aside, throwing indifference at him. But then she was startled to notice that Shi Ailin had disappeared.

"Psst. Uncle," she called him.

Shi Ma turned around. "Yes?"

"Have you seen Ai?" she whispered.

Shi Ma glanced around, surprised that one of his nieces had disappeared; he was also surprised it wasn't Shi Yen.

Luo Wanting stalked over to their table from the last one. He shook hands with Shi Ma, and his eyes widened at the sight of Shi Yen, not expecting to see her. "Hello, Miss Shi," he said politely. She gave him a curt nod, "Hello," she responded.

It was then Luo Tian's turn. He glanced at the empty seat between Shi Yen and Shi Ma, at the half-eaten snacks of a plate. "My sister is here," Shi Yen said, wanting to see his change of expression.

Luo Tian smiled grimly. "I hope to have the pleasure of greeting her soon."

Shi Yen nodded, and Luo Tian walked away. The youngest then took his turn afterward, greeting her. After the Luo's greeted everyone, many had begun to devour their meals.

Shi Yen was worried about Shi Ailin, wondering why she hadn't returned.

She decided to get up and look for her. Shi Yen then slipped through the crowd.


Shi Ailin was pacing back and forth in the backyard of the Luo Estate. There was a garden that extended, big enough to fit four large homes if the Luo family wanted, but the flowers, hedgerows, and trees made the house appear more inviting and welcoming.

She breathed in the fresh scent of roses and plum blossoms, looking up towards the setting sun. There were others taking strolls around the garden. Shi Ailin glanced around when she caught sight of a familiar blonde figure, and seeing as there was nowhere to hide, she dashed away.

Tripping over her heel, she yelped as she fell into a hedgerow. Encased in the shrubs, she attempted to shift and had trouble rising as her legs tangled between thick branches.

She then heard hurried footsteps coming over, and she wondered if her sister found her? She hoped so!

"Over here," she said.

Expecting Shi Yen to pull her up, she noticed the sleeve of a suit, and quickly, a man attempted to pull her through.

Shi Ailin struggled. "Wait," she said, lifting one leg over a branch, "Now." Her rescuer then pulled her out, and she reached out, grabbing his arms to steady herself from falling forward.

"Thank you—" she said. Her eyes widened, meeting a pair of grey-green eyes, a pair that seemed so distant yet beautiful. Luo Wanting.

Luo Wanting gazed directly at her, slightly breathless from helping her. Shi Ailin quickly pulled away from him, dusting off the pieces of the shrub from her body. She felt embarrassed.

"I apologize that the shrubs aren't tightly fitted," said Luo Wanting nonchalantly.

"N-no," she stammered. "I was just clumsy."

Luo Wanting didn't respond. He only stared at her with a penetrating, assessing gaze. Shi Ailin couldn't look at him directly, so she kept her head low. He was someone she knew she needed to stay away from.

She knew more about Luo Tian, but she could imagine that his older brother, Luo Wanting, was worse than him. Many warned her about Luo Wanting, a dangerously ambitious and cunning man. He was well acquainted with Yuan Shun, and the duo, together, are vile men that swept the business world over the years.

"Sorry, Mister, I have to go," Shi Ailin said, walking away in haste.