Full Day of Meetings: 18+



The next day, Luo Wanting went to find Yuan Shun at his main office. He was told that he was in the middle of a full day of meetings, but Yuan Shun managed to find some time to meet with his friend, squeezing some time for him.

Yuan Shun smiled at Luo Wanting, performing the same handshake they had since their teens as a greeting. "Wanting," Yuan Shun said. "I didn't expect to see you. Is everything all right?"

Luo Wanting nodded. "Yes, Shun, everything is fine." He paused for a moment. "I came to ask if you know Li Biyu?"

It took several moments for Yuan Shun to recall. "Of the military Li family?"

"Yes," Luo Wanting answered. "She has information in regards to my family's ties to our secret society."

"Shit," replied Yuan Shun filthily. "One word from her and your entire operation will be undermined, including the rest of us."