Fight or Flight

A few hours earlier:

Shi Ailin finished her work in the late evening; the afternoon sky had sunk, replaced with lighting from the lampposts and stars. She had lost track of time, but Luo Wanting insisted that he'd pick her up, regardless of how late it was.

He waited for her in the parking lot, and she noticed the streets beyond were deserted. She supposed that there would be no delay on the way home, which made staying back worth it. She had been so busy, and she refused to fall behind. She remembered that Shi Yen used to come home so late that she would have a few hours rest before she began the new day. It was admirable.

Shi Ailin was determined to get better, to stand on her own without falling out.

She went inside the car, greeting Luo Wanting as usual. He started the car, asking about her day. Shi Ailin obliged him, recapitulating her day with details from the start of the morning towards the end.